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Fixed Wiki - wrong linking to dwarven wonders


When I click on the link for the dwarven wonders overview

I get linked over the elven wonders and dwarven wonders are nowhere to find!:eek:

I was very pleased to see the infos about elven/human wonders in the wiki even before they arrived on the server, but that now, after a month, there is still nothing about the dwarven wonders makes me really mad... we even have the first lvl 10 dwarven wonder on the server...:confused:

If you need data for the wiki I already observed the wonder developement a little:

Mounrtain Hall
Lvl 1: 10% Relic Boost / 410 Population
Lvl 2: 17% Relic Boost / 490 Population
Lvl 3: 24% Relic Boost / 580 Population
Lvl 4: 28% Relic Boost / 670 Population
Lvl 5:
Lvl 6: 44% Relic Boost / 1000 Population
Lvl 7: 49% Relic Boost / 1110 Population
Lvl 8: 53% Relic Boost / 1220 Population
Lvl 9: 56% Relic Boost / 1340 Population
Lvl X: 60% Relic Boost / 1460 Population

KP costs look quite similar to the elven/human ones.
I don't have infos about the other costs ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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They updated the page today, so the info is there now... but the info about relic boost in the Mountain Hall at lvl 10 is wrong in the wiki.


Yep, and maybe change the population bonus of each lvl to the total bonus from th emtn halls?
It's everywhere else the total: relic boost, bigger training size and first unit type.

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Hey folks! Thanks for your reports and apologies for the delay in getting the Dwarven Ancient Wonders info into the Wiki. We'll pass on your comments and get any errors resolved :)

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
The wiki should now be up to date as regards Dwarven Ancient Wonders :)

They updated the page today, so the info is there now... but the info about relic boost in the Mountain Hall at lvl 10 is wrong in the wiki.

At the point when you saw this the wiki page on Dwarven AWs was in the process of being updated. All figures for Mountain Halls should now be correct. If you notice any further incorrect figures please report these in a new thread, thank you :)