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Answered What is Culture Bonus 3 and how do I reach it


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Active Member
So I read "Level 3 will increase it from 150 % to 160 %, this Bonus level is intended to be reachable through Neighborly Help."
When the new tasks started I've been asked for level 3 bonus (which it would seem I have) or find room for several of the very old basically worthless culture buildings.....so I ask the question again what does culture bonus 3 look like if this isn't it and how do I get it?
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Well-Known Member
Bonus Level 3 !!!
To reach this you have to place more or more efficiant culture buildings to your city.
Spells only increase the amount per level and not the level itself



Well-Known Member
NO, you have stil level 2 (look at my numbering), but with an increase of the level 2 to 251% by spells


Well-Known Member
According to wiki, that's not even level 2 but level 1 (left icon is no bonus at all). Not sure if wiki and quests have the same point of view on that.