• Dear forum reader,

    To actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, you need a game account and to REGISTER HERE!

We may be able to find you the members you seek!


Well-Known Member
Elvenar Platinum is a growing, public, free-to-share Facebook group with 2 600 members at time of writing, and growing.
You are most welcome to join us!

There is a good chance we can find you the member/s you seek!



Our YouTube Channel is a new venture; we are uploading all our existing videos, and have a whole lot more in the pipeline; with the idea of eventually having full
'City' and 'Battle' playlists, graded from 'beginner' to 'advanced'.

Do you perhaps have some similar videos you would let us share?
Or do you have a talent for making them?
Contact me if you would like to be involved!
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