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Vary the rewards of quetes


You happen to give something other than gold and goods for the quetes it starts to swell seriously and makes your game more and more boring
Thank you and good day


I like having predictable rewards for the quests. It would suck to have the good rewards turn up for the quests I don't want to do (or which the devs don't want me to do) and the bad rewards for the quests I am able to do (because the devs allow me to do them)


Secondary quest will never yield good rewards. Else they end up with the same problem as before, peoples are going to abuse them. I just ignore them. It's kind of impossible to balance that concept out. If the rewards are good, peoples are going to repeat them like crazy. If the rewards are boring, peoples just won't care. I think they should simply scrap them.


They could impose a timer on them or something -- like, here's a quest with a good reward, but after you complete it, you'll have to wait X-long before you'd get another chance at another one. Hard to abuse that. But that's sort of what the Big Quest Events are about anyway (the daily quests from Summer Solstice were pretty much exactly that), so they're already kind of doing that, and if they start having those more often, the way they said in the last webisode, then yeah, there's really no point to the secondary quests anymore.


I think that is a good idea. Scrap secondary quest, and have interesting secondary quest line like halloween more often