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well, its just useless. getting dwarven wonders is impossible. out of all our guild only just one person has it, and she probably bought it. any time i fight i get useless monastery or lighthouse runes. the ones i already have. what is the point? and if you think about it we need bulwrak now not later, because there is no point making level 1 troops when we advance they are no good. totally pointless, all of it. boring, and no incentive to play this game.


From my experience getting shards from donating is the best and fastest way to get shards, as long as there is no new tech to spent KP.
With some tactic it is quite easy to get a max out of your KP.

You can donate to every wonder in the world. Not only in the neighbourhood/fellowship.
Wonders in which the owner already spent a lot KP are very good, because you don't need to spent much KP to be safe on a shard reward place.
The first levels of a wonder need less investment to be safe on a shard reward place.
If you are safe -> go on. Sooner or later the wonder will be full, if not you can still come back anytime.
With some economical force (coins/goods for KP) it is sometimes possible to ninja a rerward place for around 30 KP.

For an empty wonder it is easy to calculate the KPs to be safe.
Total KPs needed for the lvl : (places with shards as reward +1)
For example a mountain hall lvl 3:
310 KPs needed for the level, 3 places with shard reward, so it's
1. 310:4 = 77,5 -> with 78 KPs invested and being on first place you will get a shard for sure and can go on to the next wonder.

Firts place is important, because in this calculation we assume that 3 players need to get ahead of you to push you out of a reward place.
To get ahead of you one player needs 79 KP.
3 x 79 = 237
237 + your 78 investment = 315 = impossible, because the wonder level only needs 310 KP.

2. If the owner already spent 40 KPs it gets even better because then it is
(310-40) : (3+1) = 270:4 = 67,5 -> safe with 68 KPs on first place -> go on.

3. If there is a player on first place with let's say 100 kp already you can then calculate
(310-100[KPs already spent from #1]) : (3-1[#1]+1)
= 210: 3 = 70 ->with 70 KP and being on 2nd place you are safe to get a shard

If there is more then one player more donating to the wonder then there are places with shard rewards you can substract their spent KPs too.
So if there are for example 6 players (including you) donating to the lvl 3 mountain hall and the two last players donated 3 and 15 KPs you can subtract 18KPs (3+15) from the level KP for your calculations.

So for the previous examples it's:
1. (310-18) : 4 = 73 KPs on first place to be safe
2. (310-40-18) : 4 = 63 KPs on 1st place to be safe
3. (310-100-18) : 3 = 64 KPs on 2nd place to be safe

With all that in mind you can calculate the minimum required KP to get the max out of your KPs.
For total vacant, or unpopular wonders it might be good to look for some more crowded wonders though, to minimise the risk of being the only donator for a long time.
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i dont care actually, what wonder i donate, i do not know who in th hood got wonder. ont thing is in our guild we have one person thats all. and she finished the research for now, the hood the nearest i looked into has same as me elven wonders. noone has dwarven wonders. thats all


and i train the army all week, for what, the same rune? i cannot even break them any more, some people said ok you shouldn't of uild the wonders keep braking runes, at least they are worth something when broke, now the worth nothing, so i train the army and fight for nothing at all.and it takes a week to train the decent army, and for what? to kill it for nothing. i liked this game a lot but now its rediculous


I've seen one strategy, where a player just clicked through the highscore and donated one KP per wonder.

quite often, he gets a shard, or at least he gets 5 KP as reward.

sure, that's a high commitment to do that, and the strategy works just as long, as he is the only player doing it, aswell as he might not be producing any KPs at night (win 2x 5KP at night and the production stops for 8 hours or so).


No, there is no problem to get all wonders.

With a little bit of strategy you can have all 4 wonders:

  • researching the dwraven part of the investigation tree, only don't terminate the provinces - make only 7 of the 8 relics in the provinces, so when you have finished your investigation tree, you will have about 15 - 25 provinces you can easy terminate within one day (= ~ 8 - 15 runes of dwraven-wonders)
  • don't put knowledge points in wonders of others meanwhile you haven't finished your investigation tree - yo will finish your investigation tree faster, so you will reach earlier the period to be able to invert about 30 - 40 knowledge points per day, which enables you to be one of the 'main players' in the 'searching for a certain rune sector on wonders of other' - it will be you, who gets the runes.
  • don't put knowledge points in own wonders (only if you've all wonders and nobody who wants to interchange points with you)
  • with your about 30 - 40 knowledge points per day, you should be able to get at least 1 rune per day - within 3 weeks (or earlier) your desired dwraven wonder can be built, 3 weeks later (or earlier), the second one.

I did it so, have all 4 wonders, never spent a lausy cent and got the last wonder about 2 months ago ...

Best regards,


well it is quite late giving this advise, and what you mean if I understand, don't build the other wonders, just keep broking shards, well i was sooo bored of the game, i have build the uslesess 2 wonders. I is not fair though that every shard now is breaking for dearwen wonders, and its not like the last 2 i still need about 4 for each, and also i have useless, monsatery or lighthouse, so 80% of the time i get the uselsess shard. i really liked this game but sorry now it sucks big time!