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City Upgrading Main Hall


Among the costs to upgrade the Main Hall is a decrease in population. This is counter productive because we need to add residential buildings and upgrade them to gain population and I have yet to see any other way to increase population. I could be wrong on this point however...

It could be something like a number of additional population for each residential building in the city when upgrading the Main Hall. There are so many things that are a hit to population that giving a gain in population for upgrading the Main Hall, in the same way would be more advantageous to players.


Agreed Legolas. Since weeks I have the quest "upgrade Main Hall to level 8" which cannot be declined.
I haven't even researched Superior Residental Buildings...

Main Hall is on level 6 at the moment, what' the point to bring it up to level 8?
I gain nothing or very little by helping neighbors.

I do have a lot of population plus six butcher, Culture Bonus on 125 max :(
No space to build more Cultural Buildings and no wish to do so!

Someone mentioned that ALL quests ought to have the possibility to be declined and that is my suggestion as well.
The quests are not at all balanced or in accordance to what I actually researched.


Upgrading the main hall means more storage capacity for your coins and supplies, something that is very necessary at a later stage of the game. I get 13.2k coins per neighbour with a level 15 main hall, that's alot of coins when you have 60+ neighbours. Upgrading it from 6 to 8 will use 142 population and 172 culture, it's not that much. You will however receive 2730 coins per neighbour with a level 8 main hall, that's almost twice the amount you get with a level 6. I agree that some quests are given too soon in the game, and some are given way too late, but the main hall is an important building, so the quest shouldn't be declinable.

This example goes for humans by the way.

The only way to add population without building/upgrading residences, is by buying premium culture buildings that add population.


What's the use of more storage capacity, Nosferatu, when I need to use the wholesaler to purchase goods? My neighbours are mostly inactive or do not trade... So I'm forced to use coins and supplies for goods.


Inactivity is a something we all have to deal with onfortunately, still, helping your own neighbours can give you a nice sum of money with a higher level main hall. After you've researched superior residences, the amount of coins p/h goes up pretty fast, and at some point you're going to need a bigger main hall, even when you use the wholesaler. I hardly use the wholesaler myself, i'd rather trade at 2:1 ratios for tier 1 goods -> tier 2 goods, and tier 2-> tier 3 goods. Even if the normal ratio is 4:1, it's still alot cheaper than using the wholesaler at 5:1 for every tier good, and with a 2:1 ratio i can trade my goods at a decent rate so it doesn't slow down my progress.


I think we have gotten away from the main point which is decreasing population when upgrading the main hall. I think there should either be an increase in population or at lease no affect in population when upgrading the main hall.


Since nobody lives in a main hall, but do work there, it's only logical it uses population like all the other buildings do. Inno gives us the opportunity to increase population with premium culture buildings if you need more people. I've never had any problems with population, and i don't have premium culture buildings that add population either.


I have already seen with no culture use, I agree with that. And as Nosferatu says it is only logical.


Upgrading Mainhall or any other building will become more expensive and really
turns into a battle to keep up!! To produce goods becoming sort of a nightmare!!
Production of goods is falling way behind and training the fighters impossible because
of the demand for goods! I'm at the stage of scaling back and not upgrade past a certain
stage!! To go to the map trying to fight is another story!! The balance of the game is
out of wack past a certain level! It's the oppesite of FoE where the game starts easy,
becomes more difficult and ballances out later on. Think the devs have a lot to do to improve
this game otherwise it will not survive! Bit like earlier betas which went down the toilet!!!


Since nobody lives in a main hall, but do work there, it's only logical it uses population like all the other buildings do. Inno gives us the opportunity to increase population with premium culture buildings if you need more people. I've never had any problems with population, and i don't have premium culture buildings that add population either.
Right. The bigger your kingdom / City gets the more politicians are required.

And i don't have any Problems with supply production or anything else. Its only a matter of scaling all at the same size.
If i use my whole Population for goods production and only have 2 Workshops i can't omplain that i don't have enough supplies to upkeep goods an troop production.


I was going to start a new thread for this, but why not?

What if the TH gave us a free additional builder for every 10 levels we had? It might make it more useful, even for people who don't need the storage(currently).


Since nobody lives in a main hall, but do work there, it's only logical it uses population like all the other buildings do. Inno gives us the opportunity to increase population with premium culture buildings if you need more people. I've never had any problems with population, and i don't have premium culture buildings that add population either.

Of the six premium items only two increase population. Now if all premium items increased population then there would be no need for this conversation. Also there are people who do not use diamonds, (currency needed to purchase and place the premium items) so this argument does not take those players into consideration. The fact that Elvenar is still in beta and what we see and do in our cities is only a taste of what is to come then perhaps this whole thread is unnecessary.

When I look at what it takes to upgrade any building it shows a set of requirements and a set of costs. So to me the requirements mean you must at least have this and that available. It's going to take this amount of time, you need a certain size space and so on( requirements). Now you also must pay coins, supplies and goods so how does a decrease in population equal a cost when it's listed as a requirement. I'm just saying that I don't see how the requirement of a certain size population equals a cost to my population. I do understand everyone's point of view and can see things from others view point, I'm just saying if upgrading a building costs a portion of my population then that cost should be listed as a cost and not listed as a requirement.