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Fixed upgrading a manufactory



I explained it already here, but just as a question which thing I have to build.

but now that neither upgrading a planks manufactory nor upgrading an elixir factory counts as upgrading a manufactory, I get a bit worried.

so what do I need to upgrade?

please give me a simple answer, I don't want to try to upgrade every type of factory till one of them works (and if so, why don't you just write down which one it is... it would be so simple).

besides as explained in the other thread, I had a second mission "get an advanced elixir factory". and this one worked just fine. or can one action just trigger one mission? that would be quite weird.


Well-Known Member
Hi Juni,

Unfortunately the text for that quest isn't complete, but we're working on fixing this as soon as possible! The Manufactory you're upgrading, has to be at least level 5 already (so to level 6 or above). Could you do this and let us know if this helped please? Thank you for that and sorry for the confusion caused here!


okay, it worked, I upgraded the elixir-factory to 6 and it was done.

now I have a similar problem.

Title: Hellroon elven liege

Body: I'm certain that some of our buildings can be even more glorious!

Reward: 10000 coins, 9000 supplies

Condition: Upgrade 2 Buildings that are at least lvl 5.

Bug: Apparently upgrading a residency from 11 ro 12 does not count as upgrade a building of at least lvl 5.

and I disagree, the text in title or body is a text related bug, yet the condition-part is part of the program. I need to know what the quest expects and the condition has to be right. it's the condition-detection behind that that is bugged because it expects something else.

by the way, okay, english is not my first language, but at the condition: "Upgrade 2 Buildings which are (currently) at least lvl 5" sounds a bit smoother and clearer, at least for me. but on the other hand, english is a pluricentric language, something that is right in america could be wrong in england, australia, singapore, nigeria or anywhere else.

EDIT: would you mind at least looking at it? a residence is clearly a building. and it should match with the condition. why is it so hard to read postings.
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The text of the quest is correct now, so I'm archiving this thread. If the quest doesn't complete in certain scenarios, please create a bug report in the Report a Bug section of the forum.