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Cannot reproduce Units disappearing from the turn-bar


Game version: v1.21.4-(3ec611a) (2017-01-09 13:01)
Game world: Beta1
Browser + version: Firefox 50.1.0
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 10
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Account name: Isioloder
Humans or Elves: Humans

Reproducibility: 2/5

Current situation: So far, I believe we were quite used that the bar showing the unit which is currently on turn, has not shown the correct unit. But today, it happened to me the first time, that a unit just disappeared from the bar without an obvious reason - I mean the cerberus unit of one cerberus on the screenshot, it was still perfectly alive.

Expected situation: The bar should show all the units until they die.


I've been fighting a lot since this report and couldn't reproduce this. Did this happen to you again after you reported it?


Sorry about responding so late, honestly, I a so used to the "mess" in the turn bar, that I don't pay much attention to this. But I do not think it happened again.


Ok. We will set this to cannot reproduce, but if you encounter it again, please let us know, and we will reopen this thread.


Well-Known Member
Is it possible that this is a rounding issue? In the case shown in the screenshot, the missing unit has a quantity of 1. Most probably that one single dog does not have full hp. If it has less than half of its full hp, it might get rounded down to zero and the turn-bar "thinks" there isn't any dog out there since there are zero dogs in the stack, so doesn't show that stack.
This scenario also explains why this has not been encountered again. A very low probability to happen.
Just a thought.


Maybe. We have issue that is completely opposite, you don't have unit on the battlefield, but you can see unit at unit toolbar, but with 0 soldiers. I thought, like you, that there is some problem with rounding. And that other issue we were able to reproduce. Here is the link.


King of Bugs
I had something similar where unit on the battleground showed different number of units then in the bottom bar, but i think this is a old bug which is caused with lag spike/screen freeze (usually when you have opened more tabs in your browser and your GPU/CPU are busy to process all data at the same time)


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