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Not a Bug Unable to produce Ambrosia for quest when storage is full


Game version: (v1.3.3-(5c4a37e) (2016-04-04 14:45))
Game world: zz1
Browser + version: Chrome 49.0.2623.110 m
Flash Player version: Adobe flash player
Operating System: Windows 7
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Account name: Swirf
Humans or Elves: Human

Reproducibility: 5/5

Quest title: Divine Crafting

Current situation:
The quest requires me to make Ambrosia five times. I can start the production, but because my Ambrosia in the storage is already maxed out I cannot collect it, therefor I cannot complete the quest.

Expected situation:
Produce Ambrosia -> Collect Ambrosia -> Completion
An alternative could be instant completion when the storage in the portal is full.

Reproduction steps:
1: Produce Ambrosia in Day farms
2: Try to collect Ambrosia in Day farms
3: Unable to collect due to full stock
4: Discard production without progress in the quest.


Don't think this qualifies as a bug but rather it's a part of resource management: make sure you have enough space in the portal storage before producing any goods. Else any storage which can get full will qualify as a bug, even your coin or supply storage. It's part of the game.

Also your "bug" title seems wrong, you can still produce Ambrosia, you're just unable to collect.


Well, the difference is that you can easily get rid of coins or supplies to collect more, but as far as I know you can only spend Ambrosia on research so that can hit a dead end.
This is not a bug. With our next update we will introduce another way to spend Ambrosia on top of technologies. Then it will be possible to clear some storage space in order to collect the resources after production.


With our next update we will introduce another way to spend Ambrosia on top of technologies.
I hope this is only for the current guest race, the Faries and not for later guest races ?