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Cannot reproduce Troop size is displayed as "zero"


Well-Known Member
Game version:V.1.21.2(0aaddeac) (2017-01-04 14:40)

Game world: Beta1

Browser + version: GoogleChrome 55.0.2883.87 m (64-bit)

Shockwave Flash Player version:

Operating System: Windows10 64Bit

Screen resolution: 1920 x 1080

Account name: Brummbaer

Humans or Elves: Elves

Issue: Troop size is displayed as "zero"

Reproducibility: 1/5 happens once

Quest title: none

Current situation: Select troop size is displayed as "zero"

Expected situation: Correct troop size displayed

Addition information: city graphics quality set to low

Reproduction Steps:
* mention issue
* control troop size (take screen shoot)
* leave tournament
* close game
* login
* enter game
* enter tournament again
* control troop size
* mentioned issue gone
* leave tournament

Start Bug Report


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Unfortunately, we can't reproduce this problem. But thank Brummbaer for leaving this problem on the forum.


It's a strange problem. Tried to reproduce this problem on different setups and browsers.
Just to be sure, I assume you have already cleared your cache memory, right? And is there a certain ammount of time you have to be logged in when it happend or is the time just random? When this problem happend, are there any other stange things that happend beside troop size?


seems to be a revival of an old bug, where the players squad size was set to 0, leaving the player without a chance to win.

I'm impressed, that it was revived.

since I did not experience that bug, does it happen on your computer with different browsers, and, just to be certain, do you have the opportunity to test it on a different computer?


Well-Known Member
Hello together,
it appears randomly (mentioned once a day) during the gameplay. It's very difficult/impossible to reproduce because I can't say it happens after this or that procedure.
There are no other strange behaviors visible. (OK, the can't complete Wonder problem).

I clear my cache normally before beginning to play.
I'm playing on one computer and normally use only chrome.

After log-out and re-login the problem is gone (without clearing the cache).

I will try to collect more information when happens again.
(Cache status / used memory)


King of Bugs
i can reproduce it pretty consistently now
1. log to the game
2. click on world icon on bottom bar
3. click on tournament tent icon
4*. click on next page of tournament window
5. click on last opened province (in my case 14, no battle were made there yet)
6. click on any encounter
7. in army selection window you will notice everything is 999 and when you select anything it shows 0

4* might be optional

i am doing it as fast as possible all this steps, it might have something to do that not all data are loaded yet


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