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City Trading Premium & City Expansions


I would Like to have a way to trade Premium & City Expansions for province expansions for those players that can not afford to buy diamonds. They are all 5 x 5 , so trading them wouldn't be no problem.

I have 9 Premium and 5 City expansions that I can't use because I can't afford to buy diamonds.

Solution :
Put in a trade store where players can go to trade the paid expansions for the free one.

example :
4 Premium Expansions for 1 Province Expansion
3 City Expansions for 1 Province Expansion

With this in place I could have 3 more expansions to use .

This is just a suggestion and would like to know your opinion.


City expansions don't cost any diamonds. You can place them with coins. There is a diamond option, but you don't have to use that.

You can get city expansions by researching them in the tree, it would be weird if you had to pay diamonds afterwards to place them.


I guess you didn't understand what I was saying so let me try again.

Premium expansions COST 450 diamonds to use or place on the game board, I have 9 of these expansions, I " CAN NOT" afford to buy diamonds to place these expansions.

What I would like to see happen is for inno games to put up a store or trade center where we can TRADE the premium expansions for province expansions at a 4:1 ratio or 4 Premium expansions for 1 province expansion


I guess i didn't understand because you specifically said you have 5 city expansions you can't use, and in your example you want to trade 3 city expansions for 1 province expansion. You can't do that. City expansions don't cost diamonds, only the 17 main hall expansions cost diamonds.

By giving non paying customers the option to trade premium content, you're taking away the advantage of paying customers.

But don't worry, you can still maximize your city by conquering provinces.

There are a total of 74 expansions. 26 city expansions from the research tree, the other 48 can be obtained by conquering a total of 340 provinces. I know that's a lot, but it's the only option you have.


An elegant approach would be to provide a means whereby time and activity, in the form of coins, supplies, goods, troops, or relics, would allow you to purchase Diamonds. Not cheap diamonds, but diamonds none the less.
  • It's unlikely that obtaining diamonds in that manner would bleed off any actual revenue
  • It WOULD help balance the game by providing a way to prune the excess resources
  • It would provide the poor but patient players access to everything in the game.