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Cannot reproduce Trader button at buttom is not working


Game version: v1.23.4-(785f9e5) (2017-02-09 10:50)
Game world: beta
Browser + version: Ff 47.0.1
Flash Player version:
Operating System: win7
Screen resolution: irrelevant
Account name: evelyntest (reward please to Flabbes)
Humans or Elves: Elve

Reproducibility: 5/5
(1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: none

Current situation:
The trader button at the buttom does not work, when I click on it, a click on the building works.
The other buttons are still working fine, and it worked earlier today as usual. Switch to map or research don't change anything. A reload fixes the issue.

Don't know what exactly it caused, I collected my productions and did with it the repeating quests, started the upgrade of 2 marble manufactories (to 14) and strated the good productions with using keyboard shortcuts again.

Expected situation:
open trader window when button at bottom is clicked

Reproduction Steps
no ides atm, will try to find steps

Screenshots of the bug:
A scerenshot when I try to click and nothing happens wouldn't be useful ;)


I'll try it, until now I wasn't able to reproduce this issue.
I didn't move any building nor disconnected any from street yet (except an upgrade of marble with same size still counts as disconnect from street?).

Didn't had your bug with the changed icons at all.


King of Bugs
I'll try it, until now I wasn't able to reproduce this issue.
I didn't move any building nor disconnected any from street yet (except an upgrade of marble with same size still counts as disconnect from street?).

Didn't had your bug with the changed icons at all.
because usually you dont have disconnected building in your city
i know for a fact that this bug appears after you do something in previous season of play and quit, with next log in to the game this bug appears


So you suggest to have a disconnected buliding in order to check if I get the strange icon issue too?
Wouldn't be a problem, just disconnected one zzz manufactory and one residence - in half an hour I can login and collect goods.


Couldn't reproduce your strange icons @Dony neither the trader button issue yet


I also had problem with blinking Weeping Willow, but trader button works fine. What ever I do, my trader buttons (on all my accs) are working ok. Still cannot reproduce it.


Guys, do you still have this issue with trader button?


I'm wonderring if it is a bug. About once a day, something doesn't want to click for me, manufactory, training ground, anything. A reload has always fixed the issue (in my case).


Well-Known Member
We're not able to reproduce any issues here so we will now archive this thread. Should anyone else experience these problems again, please let us know :)


Well this bug did it into the live worlds.

There ist still no pattern in sight to reproduce it :(


Unfortunately this is happening to me this morning. No matter how often I click onto the trader button, nothing happens. :(

Edit: After reloading the game it works all fine again. Though very strange as this has never happened to me before. o_O