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Tournament timer - the new normal?


Well-Known Member
Is the tournament timer messed up just because of the update?
It seems to be ending 5 or 6 hours earlier than normal.


Well-Known Member
Are Beta tournaments always on a different schedule than Live servers then? Have I some how not noticed this? Bizarre.
For me (MST) tournaments always ended either 10 or 11 am (depending on DST) It's possible that Beta was always 5am and I just never noticed


As we announced here, we will be making adjustments to the Tournaments system, turning it into a Fellowship-feature. Good news: This will already happen with game version 1.21 (this Wednesday). Therefore, it wouldn't really make sense to start a tournament on Tuesday evening (as we would normally do). This means we have chosen to move the start of the next tournament to this Thursday 1 PM (CET) and let it run until Monday 1 PM (CET) , so everyone can start testing the new Tournament Fellowship Feature right away!


Well-Known Member
Yep, this one is on me.
I remember seeing that, did not bother to check what CET was, just figured that was the normal time and the Thursday to Monday was what was changing. So, quick log in at 4am to get 30 boosted relics? Probably not...at least it's my Beta account, and not a live one.