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Fixed Tournament starts over and over again: "Let's start..."


Well-Known Member
Game version: v1.10.7-(7bdd3c1) (2016-07-12 9:19)
Game world: BETA 1
Browser + version: Version 51.0.2704.106 m
Flash Player version: You have version 22,0,0,209 installed
Operating System: Windows 10 Home
Screen resolution: 1920 x 1080
Account name: Elevenar
Humans or Elves: Humans (for sure ;) )

Reproducibility: 5/5 = happens always

Current situation:
Fighting or starting each new tournament encounter, the title says: Let's start the tournament...
Well, after 3 completed provinces on level 4 not each one of those encounters really starts the tournament, which already has started days ago.

Expected situation:
In the meaning of what I described above, the title text is somehow incorrect.

20160715 bug_tournment_lets_start.gif