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Discussion Tournament changes


Well-Known Member
And it gets even more bizarre when you start looking at the silver medal teams - One will have 1 point, then one will have 10 points, then one will have 8 points... I can't figure out any logic to it.

I can only assume that it's somehow based on historic information, but I still can't work anything out that fits. I've been trying to work out if it's something like 3 points for gold, 2 points for silver, 1 point for bronze, and it includes the last 4 weeks' worth of data. That example doesn't work, though, given all the strange numbers.


Well-Known Member
Anyway... none of our theories make sense because there would be no need to come up with a system giving a points tally for different stages in the Spire, because we already have the gold, silver and bronze medals that tell us that, but much more clearly.


Well-Known Member
@Pauly7 It actualy makes sense. There is a huge difference between 8 silver and 11 silver. This might tell that a fs is silver but close to gold,
I agree, there was a lot of people saying that gold is too hard, but silver is too easy and fellowships in between cannot compare with each other. So it seems this is a reaction from the developers to that feedback.
In that case, just lose the medals.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

For the question about the Spire trophies: You get a bronze trophy each time the fellowship has reached the 4th reward in Spire where they didn't reach the 8th or 12th reward. A silver trophy is the number of times the fellowship has reached the 8th reward in Spire where they didn't reach the12th reward. Gold trophies are for each time a Fellowship has reached the 12th reward.

Does this make it more clear?


Well-Known Member
We are talking about new spire trophy, not about bronze/silver/gold which are obvious.

Ah, the other 4 trophies are not all specifically Spire related. Those are:

Tournament regulars - Amount of times the fellowship has reached the 5th chest in tournament where they didn't reach the 10th chest.
Tournament masters - Amount of times the fellowship has reached the 10th chest in tournament.
Tournament bonus chests - Amount of bonus chests the fellowship has earned in total.
Spire Fellowship rewards - Amount of spire fellowship rewards the fellowship has earned in total.

Is this what you meant?


Well-Known Member
@Karvest Thanks, looking into it and asking for more clarification. I saw you reporting earlier that last week an FS with a gold trophy only got an increase of 8 in that last trophy number. Which FS was that, please?


Well-Known Member
@Karvest Thanks, looking into it and asking for more clarification. I saw you reporting earlier that last week an FS with a gold trophy only got an increase of 8 in that last trophy number. Which FS was that, please?
If you look down the list you can see more random numbers. One team towards the top of silver got 1 point, then one further down got 10 points, etc, etc. Several people have reported getting silver, but picking up only 3 points.

I believe it was Taragaryen House who got gold and only 8 points.


Well-Known Member
imo i think its because they added the new spire badge somewhere during the week, and some FS already won some fellowship rewards before it was added to the game.
I assume its gonna be all fine for everyone next week.


Well-Known Member
imo i think its because they added the new spire badge somewhere during the week, and some FS already won some fellowship rewards before it was added to the game.
Interesting theory... but wouldn't that mean that all those (except 1) gold medal fellowships didn't go past a single waypoint until they activated the change. I'm sure we would've gone through the first few gates fairly swiftly on Sunday.


Well-Known Member
Interesting theory... but wouldn't that mean that all those (except 1) gold medal fellowships didn't go past a single waypoint until they activated the change. I'm sure we would've gone through the first few gates fairly swiftly on Sunday.
I thought of this too, but for me it seemed also nearly immpossible that all gold spire fellowships except one didn't have a waypoint done when the medal started


Well-Known Member
yeah agrees Soggy the kps may be good but costly
now beginner or new players can not get tier 3 relics in tourney in stage 3 unless they over over scout their world map the limit i believe is 25 before the next chapter and doing 6 about circle is over the max , which leave t3 relics unattainable in the current way of the tounament


Well-Known Member
yeah agrees Soggy the kps may be good but costly
now beginner or new players can not get tier 3 relics in tourney in stage 3 unless they over over scout their world map the limit i believe is 25 before the next chapter and doing 6 about circle is over the max , which leave t3 relics unattainable in the current way of the tounament
i dont get what you mean, you get relics of every type every week now, so why would T3 relics be unattainable? If you can only do 3 provinces a week, even then you will get T3 relics of your bonus 3 weeks out of 9. Im not so sure why you are talking about overscouting here.