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Discussion Tournament Changes (post-release)


Well-Known Member
All in all, for low-chapter cities and players who do NOT do more than 10 provinces, it seems beneficial.
For anyone doing more than 10 provinces the fact one doesn't have to click so often is very nice, but the cost is utterly ridiculous. Especially the amount of orcs needed is completely insane.


Well-Known Member
Hereby I'd like to sent my MASSIVE COMPLAINT to the devs of inno. They're not doing what we expect them to do and this new Tournament proofs it without a doubt.

I like to stay silent. That would mean nothing is wrong or what is happening, is acceptable.
That's why I often seem pessimistic. But as we can all conclude, there is truth in my vision of how this game should/could work.

Let's see how long I can keep playing. If it indeed results in 'not being able to upgrade wonders in an acceptable rate' (kp;'s from tournament, now too hard), I'll likely quit.


Well-Known Member
Hereby I'd like to sent my MASSIVE COMPLAINT to the devs of inno. They're not doing what we expect them to do and this new Tournament proofs it without a doubt.

I like to stay silent. That would mean nothing is wrong or what is happening, is acceptable.
That's why I often seem pessimistic. But as we can all conclude, there is truth in my vision of how this game should/could work.

Let's see how long I can keep playing. If it indeed results in 'not being able to upgrade wonders in an acceptable rate' (kp;'s from tournament, now too hard), I'll likely quit.
I'm not quitting at this point, but I'm also not considering elvenar for discretionary spending in my budget.

Entertainment/discretionary budget:


Well-Known Member
yes, all players who use push accounts, will love this change. Others ...
All the pushers will continue to do it, only better and more sophisticated, what else should they do with the knowledge points?
INNO justifies these changes on the basis of the activities of the pushers.
... All big mistakes need a credible excuse.


Well-Known Member
Well. I do not care about pushers. They are insignificant in my world.
I care about my FS. My beta-account exists because I have to know exactly what news and changes are important to the members of my FS. Since I am a mage I have a responsibility. And now I have to explain everything about the new tournament. Our FS is number 8 on the list of our server and we have a lot of high performing members. I would hate to loose them. So, I am doing my best to see the positives and to explain as much of the new tournament as I can. I do not worry about 10 chests because we do more than twice what we have to do, every week. So we will be alright. But, I hope very much that everyone can find a new way to play and have fun and that we can stick together the coming weeks.


Well-Known Member
... So, I am doing my best to see the positives ...
Really, plural? Apart 1 encounter vs 4, which are the other "positives"? BTW, also 1 vs 4 has its negatives (with 4 you can manage better the troop losses), so I am not completely sure that it should be considered a positive. Neutral seems more correct to me.
I like the diagonal approach for difficulty, but I cannot define it a "positive": before it was easier :)
About the negatives (here the plural is perfect) already too much has been written :cool:


Well-Known Member
Just started my account yesterday at Beta, and a Fellowship just now, in order to test this new tournament.
Of what I have seen so far - which isn't that much with just 1 province to battle - I feel slightly positive about this change.

One of my worries (and also in my FS on the NL-server) was that the automatic battle would be taken off. Now I have seen that this is not the case, I am looking forward to see this tournament running next week.

Another worry - but I am not sure if I'm asking this on the right forum thread, so excuse me in case it's wrong - is that the official release of the new tournament will mean that the next Fellowship Adventure (expected 6th October) will be postponed by at least one week. Is that true?
I have been looking for info on this, but couldn't find it. -

Thanks in advance!

Enevhar Aldarion

Well-Known Member
Another worry - but I am not sure if I'm asking this on the right forum thread, so excuse me in case it's wrong - is that the official release of the new tournament will mean that the next Fellowship Adventure (expected 6th October) will be postponed by at least one week. Is that true?
I have been looking for info on this, but couldn't find it. -

Thanks in advance!

No, the next FA was already announced in-game on Friday on the Live servers that it will start Monday morning on Oct 5th. And the new tournament format starts on the rest of the Live servers the next day on the 6th.

Deleted User - 81672

Well... seems we are done testing. New tournament is just announced on live worlds for next week marble.
On witch server are you? cuz on RO it haven't been announced yet.
Does everybody receive the same notification on live worlds?


Well-Known Member
On witch server are you? cuz on RO it haven't been announced yet.
Does everybody receive the same notification on live worlds?
Yes, as far as I know. 5th FA, 6th the new tournament. Have you looked in the ingame announcements (trumpet)? I have 4.


Well-Known Member
@Marindor, now that the new tournament system has been confirmed for all Live worlds, is there any chance of asking the devs for an update? People assume this means that the testing is now all finished and there will be no more changes. I expect that is the case, but it would be nice for them to confirm this after all these weeks and months of testing and thousands of messages. I have said similar over on EN, but after a combined total of over 3,200 messages in the feedback threads that they asked for, the least they could do would be to offer a little gratitude for that and offer some kind of summary and reasoning why none of the feedback has been acted on. At this point there would certainly be no point keeping the feedback threads active if they are now finished.

Deleted User - 81672

@Marindor, now that the new tournament system has been confirmed for all Live worlds
Why do you say that the new tournament is in all Live Worlds, do you have the data from all?
@Marindor Why isn't the new tournament announced in all Live Worlds? On RO it hasn't been announced.


Well-Known Member
Yes, as far as I know. 5th FA, 6th the new tournament. Have you looked in the ingame announcements (trumpet)? I have 4.
Yes, indeed it is now, after a reload of the live game.

Announced for the 11th for NL servers Monday 5th. Guess we won't have the same FA week on all live servers then.
Just weird: it says Monday 11th, which can't be true in 2020. ;)

Edit: Turns out this was a small mistake from the local CM. Fortunately!
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Well-Known Member
Why do you say that the new tournament is in all Live Worlds, do you have the data from all?
I don't have any data. It was just my understanding that the new tournaments are coming to all Live worlds on the 6th. It could be wrong, for all I know, or perhaps they are just late announcing it on RO.

Deleted User - 88256

Why do you say that the new tournament is in all Live Worlds, do you have the data from all?
@Marindor Why isn't the new tournament announced in all Live Worlds? On RO it hasn't been announced.
CM on EN confirmed new tournaments will be released in all live worlds : https://en.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/upcoming-tournament-changes.12925/post-81256
On FR we asked for confirmation, the CM answered they were working on translating the announcement : https://fr.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/retard-dans-les-informations.22547/post-1032342


Well-Known Member
Hi guys!

@Marindor, now that the new tournament system has been confirmed for all Live worlds, is there any chance of asking the devs for an update? People assume this means that the testing is now all finished and there will be no more changes. I expect that is the case, but it would be nice for them to confirm this after all these weeks and months of testing and thousands of messages. I have said similar over on EN, but after a combined total of over 3,200 messages in the feedback threads that they asked for, the least they could do would be to offer a little gratitude for that and offer some kind of summary and reasoning why none of the feedback has been acted on. At this point there would certainly be no point keeping the feedback threads active if they are now finished.

As you know, last week some alterations have been made to the battle difficulty of certain provinces. Since the original Beta release, several changes have been made (including bringing back flavor by making chances for certain units higher according to the type of tournament, splitting the training queues of units, changes to the battle difficulty at several times, reduction of premium expansion impact in the difficulty calculation etc).
Other than that, the Tournaments are now performing as expected, so the game team feels confident to release them on Live in their current state. That doesn't mean it's impossible that changes can still be made, since markets can be different as well, but it seems that everything is now working as intended and analytics are currently showing the expected results.

@Marindor Why isn't the new tournament announced in all Live Worlds? On RO it hasn't been announced.

I can't speak for the Community Managers of all Live servers, so I think you'd best ask there. I expect it will be because Community Managers get a certain period of time to translate the announcement to their language and post it. Maybe the RO Community Manager was busy with other things yesterday and planned it for today, while a Community Manager of another server did it yesterday already. English speaking communities are often quicker because they don't need to translate the announcement first, but as I said: if you want to know this for your server in particular, you could send your Live CM a private message to ask about it.