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Discussion Tournament Changes (post-release)

Deleted User - 89508

After all the pages ive found regarding Tournament Changes, im honestly still not clear what "problem" INNO intends to solve.

Its simply wrong to Punish any achievement, such as researching optional troop increases. Removing squad size from calculation is one way to fix it, but that seems to be an afterthought?

Reducing to 1 battle provinces is a big help. I typically spend over an hour to Auto Battle a round. This is not an imposed penalty by INNO, but it IS a high cost, and relief is welcome. But, again, INNO seems to be doing this as compensation for their other "fixing", and not to address the issue.

AW upgrades, and even multiple buildings and boosts are already Regressive. Its a big help to increase (about anything) from 100% to 120%. The cost/difficulty to increase from 120% to 140% (of anything), is typically higher, and makes less difference. This already seem "fair enough".

Are there too many KP in the Game? Sure... maybe so. Why not address PUSH CITIES first? There are a Lot in my world, and as far as i know, they are still illegal. After that, If INNO thinks im getting too many KP, perhaps reduce the Prize for provinces over 50?

New players have no Fire Bird, or Brown Bear? First, having more than one is not the advantage people seem to think. Feeding one is a high cost. Feeding two requires some management- and some days without feeding the first one. They are a gain, but they include major offsetting difficulties, especially the Bears. Solutions have been proposed, and are simple; Make them available after certain chapters, maybe simply by putting them in the Craft Menu? And/Or, Make the buildings, and Artifacts, available about every 6mos in Events? No Tournament changes are needed to handle this.

AS IS... im seeing nominal participants being given 1600pts... (=10 chests). =Doesnt seem right.
Mid-range participants, perhaps with 35-45 provinces being cut back to "not much better" than beginners- maybe 25 provinces?
Higher-end participants being slashed from 75 provinces to 30? // WHY??

And, Yes- Additional Problem, mostly Skipped over:
In early Tournaments, the 1000 point prize was a big deal, and basically just a Gift to an elite player for scoring 2000 pts. Now, its almost trivial. Solution- increase top prize x 10... and perhaps continue diminishing smaller prizes over top 200, instead of 100?

Revised Tournament does not seem to address any known problems, but it Definitely Seems to create Others.


Well-Known Member
Are there too many KP in the Game? Sure... maybe so. Why not address PUSH CITIES first?
Simply requiring 60-70% of KP for an AW to be deposited by the owner seems like a simple solution... 20% is given back in KP, so there is still room for the kp chains, but they would just have a different dynamic.

Higher-end participants being slashed from 75 provinces to 30? // WHY??
My proposal flattened the increasing difficulty, 8% per level and 2% per province...
A 60% cut is insane.


Well-Known Member
Why not address PUSH CITIES first? There are a Lot in my world, and as far as i know, they are still illegal.

That depends. If the push city puts all the KP from the tournament into your wonders every week that's pushing. If you give a few goods back to allow the push city to be more successful in the tournament according to Inno the same thing is legal gameplay. :-(

Revised Tournament does not seem to address any known problems, but it Definitely Seems to create Others.

You already mentioned the reduction to one battle per province. The other issue is that round 6 was way too easy because of stronger troops and phoenix. The increasing difficulty for higher provinces is a solution for this issue.

But yes, apart from these points Inno creates way more problems than they solve.
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Deleted User - 89508

That depends. If the push city puts all the KP from the tournament into your wonders every week that's pushing. If you give a few goods back to allow the push city to be more successful in the tournament according to Inno the same thing is legal gameplay.

Of course @ErestorX ,
i have 26 to 52M of each Goods... what is a Fair KP price, trading Goods to my Push Cities?
(Who Decides? Where can i Look that Up?)
I'd love to Cash In. I've Implied that INNO should have Clear Rules regarding KP from Push Cities... and Enforce Them.
Nothing more. ....And I think INNO's Rule is to not Have Them?

You already mentioned the reduction to one battle per province. The other issue is that round 6 was way too easy because of stronger troops and phoenix. The increasing difficulty for higher provinces is a solution for this issue.

What is special about Round 6? All rounds are Easier, due to Bonuses. Round 6 happens to be basically worthless, other than competing for a Win, and its already more Costly than Round 5. Im not seeing a Problem to Solve here.

And, YEP, we agree- One Battle provinces is an improvement.
I just dont think it requires a lot of "other" recalculations to do that.

Deleted User - 88256

The other issue is that round 6 was way too easy because of stronger troops and phoenix. The increasing difficulty for higher provinces is a solution for this issue.
Round 6 was not way too easy (except maybe in the easiest tournaments). Round 2 probably was, but round 6 wasn't. Just look at how much people are able to do 10k+ in every tournament on live.
And that's why the difficulty increase per province is too steep. I think most of people will (at least I will) have defeats or very hard losses depending on troop setup as soon as difficulty starts being higher than old 5*, so we should already be in the +1%/province part at this point.


Well-Known Member
What is special about Round 6?

It was the most difficult round but it wasn't difficult anymore. And yes, I didn't even play it most of the time because there is nothing to win.

I've Implied that INNO should have Clear Rules regarding KP from Push Cities... and Enforce Them.

We agree.

Round 6 was not way too easy (except maybe in the easiest tournaments).

I used autofighting in round 6 of the last rolls tournament because I wanted to win and somebody attacked me 30 minutes before the end. That was way too easy. Obviously it wasn't too easy for everybody but for some players.

To wrap it up: The problems Inno tried to solve are mainly caused by pushing and phoenix, bears + boosters. But they avoided to really address those issues and concentrated on symptoms instead.
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Well-Known Member
Of course @ErestorX ,
I'd love to Cash In. I've Implied that INNO should have Clear Rules regarding KP from Push Cities... and Enforce Them.
Nothing more. ....And I think INNO's Rule is to not Have Them?
The best you can do is keep reporting them, people do get banned (eventually) for pushing.
But only if you keep reporting them over and over and over again.

the main issue is that people stop reporting them because they feel it doesnt matter anyway, and because they do not report them they get away with it.
I have spoken with people directly and inderectly who lost accounts, and I know of at least 1 permanent ban because of pushing.
I also know several people who son't even dare to push again afrraid that the next time they will loose there accounts.
So keep reporting those players over and over again
Tho it seems those that push "a little" seem to get away with it, i'll guess you need to get over a undefined treshold we don't know before action is taken.

but in short:
See someone pushing --> report them
See the same person pusing 2 weeks later --> report them
Person is still pushing 2 weeks later again --> report them

Looks like punischment is gradually increased untill they at some point are so foolhardy they get banned forever and all there play time over sometimes years is lost forever.


I have tried it so you dont need to, i have removed all buffs and even enemy units moved horribly

To fight something like this as a Human, I would place my units in that order: Mage-Crossbow-Crossbow-Crossbow-Mortar
The Mage should be safe, as long as there is a Crossbowman in the 2nd slot (from my experience)


Well-Known Member
To fight something like this as a Human, I would place my units in that order: Mage-Crossbow-Crossbow-Crossbow-Mortar
The Mage should be safe, as long as there is a Crossbowman in the 2nd slot (from my experience)
What a disaster, you can win this manually with frog, ranger, frog, frog and frog, I've already played such a constellation in the tower. After the dryads have made their move, move the ranger 3 spaces up, then clean the two dryads away with the frogs but always with the frog that is furthest away because of the counterattack, but the goal of the ranger is to kill the witch not to get caught in a trap. The strategist will protect the witch ... look what the enemy is doing, kill the strategists with the frogs then the witch is unprotected ... then kill the knight and finally the treant.

winner winner chicken dinner
oops there is no treant, =)
less work!
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Well-Known Member
What a disaster, you can win this manually with frog, ranger, frog, frog and frog, I've already played such a constellation in the tower. After the dryads have made their move, move the ranger 3 spaces up, then clean the two dryads away with the frogs but always with the frog that is furthest away because of the counterattack, but the goal of the ranger is to kill the witch not to get caught in a trap. The strategist will protect the witch ... look what the enemy is doing, kill the strategists with the frogs then the witch is unprotected ... then kill the knight and finally the treant.

winner winner chicken dinner
oops there is no treant, =)
less work!
Ooops ... you can just do it auto mode: then what to do? :-(


Well-Known Member
Ooops ... you can just do it auto mode: then what to do? :-(
Hello, if you don't have the option to fight something like that manually, then hmm ... we would say in German, "you are banged"
Does it work for you without a Mage?
I find it difficult to win such combinations without 1 Mage on my side
If there are light ranged fighters among the enemies, especially dryards, I wouldn't even dream of sending magicians in there ... the enemy dryards with the highest initiative are always on the move first, if you scout out the area beforehand and the magician is there that he is not hit in the first move, it can work just as well ... but you should consider that your own magician has enough damage to kill the witch at the first chance. If the enemy witch does not die on the first hit, she could withdraw and possibly weaken one frog after the other until you have finally removed the strategists and knights to be on the witch again.


Well-Known Member
not to act like the forum moderator, but this discussion is not about strategy. So please stay on topic. I'd like to know what is going on in EN and what all beta updates (this morning there was one more) are about


Well-Known Member
not to act like the forum moderator, but this discussion is not about strategy. So please stay on topic. I'd like to know what is going on in EN and what all beta updates (this morning there was one more) are about
In fact we are on topic: what was shown is a fact - the new tournament mode make it impossible to a large number of players to win some encounters.
This forces us to say: the new tournament mode MUST be changed to avoid such situations that never happened with the current tournament mode.

Isn't this thread about the new tournament mode? ;-)


Well-Known Member
In fact we are on topic: what was shown is a fact - the new tournament mode make it impossible to a large number of players to win some encounters.
This forces us to say: the new tournament mode MUST be changed to avoid such situations that never happened with the current tournament mode.

Isn't this thread about the new tournament mode? ;-)
OK got it