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Cannot reproduce tournament 3rd stage too soon available


Game version: __v1.27-(beb947ca4) (2017-03-29 6:51)
Game world: __beta1
Browser + version: __FF 52.0.1
Flash Player version: __25.0.0.127
Operating System: __ Win 7 1607
Screen resolution: __ fullhd
Account name: __ juni
Humans or Elves: __Elven

Reproducibility: ?/5

Current situation:
I can do the third star/stage of the tournament. with the 16h delay, this is too early.

Expected situation:
it should be available at ~8am, not somewhat after midnight.

Reproduction Steps
__ enter map at midnight
2. __ see that it is too early
3. __
4. __
5. __

on the german server with the game-version v1.25.3-(9cc3a0622) (2017-03-20 16:10), everything is normal, the tournament is available in close to 3h.


QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Does anyone else encounter this?

Do you have this on 1 province or all of them? the 1 province fluke happens all the time, but if you got it on all of them thats a different story then


Now everything seems fine for me but maybe this has something to do with the winter/summertime bug and only appears between midnight and 01:00, just like the bug with the daily event quest. Will try to check this night.


Does anyone else encounter this?

Do you have this on 1 province or all of them? the 1 province fluke happens all the time, but if you got it on all of them thats a different story then

8 provinces in a row ;-)


I'd say, either the bug is bigger than anticipated, or I made a mistake.

situation: I just did the 3rd star fights regularly.

so either the fights did not count as the third star, because the provinces were open while they should not be, or I actually just forgot fighting earlier that day, and the provinces were just open, because they were open for quite some time. (I did however fight on the german server).

I'm really not sure right now.


QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Sadly, i'm not getting this bug myself on the beta servers, i wouldn't mind a shorter cooldown on tournaments :)

I will mark this one as cannot reproduce for now. Should another report of this come in, ill reinvestigate