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Not a Bug throne of the high men - points not added

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Game version: __ v1.28-(71da7b76c) (2017-04-05 19:21)
Game world: __ beta 1
Browser + version: __ firefox 52.0.1
Flash Player version: __
Operating System: __ win 10 1607
Screen resolution: __ fullHD
Account name: __ juni
Humans or Elves: __ elves

Reproducibility: __/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: __ (if applicable)

Current situation:
__ the thrones of the high men tells me, I'll get 104k extra points (which is a bit weird by the way). they don't show up in ranking

Expected situation:
__ they should show up in ranking

Reproduction Steps
__ have the building
2. __
3. __
4. __
5. __


  • throne-points.png
    358.7 KB · Views: 118


so getting 104k of extra points, which don't yet show up in the highscore... is not a bug.

by the way, I consider everything that works differently than described in the changelog as a bug.


Well-Known Member
so getting 104k of extra points, which don't yet show up in the highscore... is not a bug.

by the way, I consider everything that works differently than described in the changelog as a bug.

As explained in our Release Notes:

We're currently working on rebalancing the Ancient Wonders. Since Beta changes are made directly on Master versions, it can happen that a game version is deployed that contains things that are being worked on, while they're not completed yet. Please wait with reporting any bugs related to Ancient Wonders until we have announced in our Release Notes that the work on those particular Ancient Wonders should be completed. Until we announced that, they're still work in progress so you can experience changes that are strange now, because they're not done yet (and therefore not yet announced as well).

This means we're not going to report any strange things we find in areas where we know our developers are still working on. These changes are not completed yet, we all know that so there's no need to point out anything strange for we know it's still work in progress.

I will close this thread now, if you have any more questions you may contact me by private message. When the rebalancing of this Ancient Wonder is done, we will announce that in our Release Notes and if after that you find bugs around it, you can report them then. :)
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