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The most "useless" soldier in elvenar


in Game world
"scared priest" has movement 1 and range 14, it is the "1 and only 1" "long range " soldier in human race
although the damage it put on enemy soldier is small, but it can allow player to hit
enemy long range soldier and
any enemy soldier that hidden behind obstacle

in beta world
"scared priest" has now change to movement 2 and range 5, it is now the "most useless soldier" in elvenar
it carry very small defense, just a few hit, it gone
even without movement 2, it is now..within target range of enemy, "easy go soldier"
with movement 2, it is actually move closer to "dead" while it produce little damage to enemy <most case, priest even cannot hit any soldier before it vanish>

could you please restore the long range property of soldier
if Inno feel, there is problem of long range 14
Inno can tone it down to 13,
if not ok, then 12...
step by step
not 1-go, change from 14 to 5, that turn a "long range soldier" to "useless soldier"
it take a long time to recruit priest, but it go super easy


I play Elves but I would say the problem is in movement range not attack range.
It should work as in case of Sorceressess. No range limitations was a bit OP don't you think? Humans will get (already have?) Cannoneers so 2 units with no range limit?

PS. "Scared Priest"? :D


That Priest cannot attack anything if it do not move up
as all enemy soldier are outside attack range

only move up to get closer, then he can hit with super min. neglible damage on enemy soldier
<it mean enemy soldier can return full strength on it >

now, we only have 5 group while enemy has 5 or 9 groups
placing a group of priests only imply
we are fighting with 4 group ( priest is a dead group ) vs 5 to 9 groups

Cannoneers amd Sorceressess are super stronger as
range + movement + defense ..making human race soldier look like a rabbit inside cooking pit

especially sorceress's defense
hard to kill, sorceress's enemy is cere...
but sor..will hit cere...1st , so
placing cer group is also not helpful as they will all weaken immediately