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Fixed [TEXT] Quest "New Streets"


I believe the description for this quest and the description for its reward have errors.

I think that should be "undreamed-of", with a hyphen, though I admit I'm not fully sure on this one.

Quest reward:
The second part of the first sentence is all messed up. It should be "they also add culture" or "they also increase culture" or something along those lines. Definitely not "the also add increase culture" :)

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Thanks for reporting these issues ThePhantom :)

Regarding undreamed-of versus undreamed of, both versions are valid variations, and though personally I would prefer undreamed-of, I think this is pretty much down to personal preference.

Agreed on the second point... I would say 'they also increase culture' would be the better wording.

Setting this to confirmed :)