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Testing new forum plug-ins


Dear Humans and Elves,

Starting next Monday (June 22nd), we will be testing some new plug-ins for our forum on this Beta forum. We want to install these so that we can improve the forums of Elvenar even more, optimizing them in any way we can.

Please be aware: While we take the most care in selecting the right plug-ins and testing those on a test environment before installing them here, installing a new plug-in on a forum always brings a risk. This is exactly why we would like to test these plug-ins on our Beta forum before installing them on all Elvenar forums globally. We trust that everything will be smooth, and you should not notice much (if anything) of these tests. Though, we still want to make you aware in advance, because it is possible that you find some new features, and some features may change or even break.

Should you find or experience a problem with the forum itself, please help us by creating a bug report. We have created a new prefix that you use for these issues: 'New issue (forum)'. You can select this upon creating a thread.

We also want to stress that not every plug-in that we will be testing will also remain active on this Beta forum forever. It is possible that we will test them and after that either discard them or disable them.

Of course, we are also looking forward to your feedback. Please let us know what you think, and feel free to ask any questions in the discussion thread!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team