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we are all testers here on Beta, but we don't get anything for that. What I mean we don't get any diamonds quests. I don't know how the things are in Elvenar real game, but I am sure somebody mentioned they do get diamond quests. I play Foe, we get diamonds quests there, but nothing here. And it actually took some time to sign up for this better server, were were chosen etc, etc. we face many difficulties, like not so many people playing, so it's hard as it is. But why we don't have even little rewards? so, how you suppose we check stuff? In these new wanders hardly anybody has them anyway in our fellowship, you do need to spend diamonds for the silly broken shards, otherwise it is next to impossible to obtain these buildings. I am not saying give everything or free, I am just saying there should be a little help for us too, in a shape of diamond quests for a few diamonds now and then. do they exist on the main server?


Hi mistique -

Thank you for bringing this up.

Diamond quests have been mentioned on several market forums by the players. While there is not a definite answer to the question (Will we be getting Diamond quests?), it is always good to have another players opinion. For now, premium rewards do not exist in the current quest line.

Yes, the beta server is usually two weeks in advance of upcoming updates, so require the community to report bug findings to produce a solid update to the live servers. The beta team has recently started giving away diamonds for any first time bug report that is confirmed on the forum. I would suggest taking advantage of this offer. :)

Not sure if I answered your questions exactly, but maybe someone else can follow up if I missed something. :)


Hope to get some free diamond in beta world ~~~

this is beta world
up to now, i cannot do any diamond expansion or diamond features ( building ) ??

For beta testing purpose,
some diamond-related part should be tested in beta-world
due to lack of free-diamond support, those feature cannot be tested
now ..they have to test in game world by player who can afford to buy diamond

i do hope we can have some free diamond which is sufficient for us to test new features in beta world
e.g. limit test-diamond can only be used to buy some new diamond building...etc
whenever we start new chapter, new set of free-diamond-starter, tester is given a limit amount of test-diamond
inside questline, it specific some diamond quests, tester use that "limit amount of diamond" to build diamond featues..reward: limit diamond for next diamond quest....
so in beta world, tester can help to test those diamond features..
< those diamond quest will never implement in game world , it only help beta world to test diamond-related function, so player in game world still need to buy diamond to get those diamond-related building... >


I second this
only diamond buyers could help finding the bug that existed when healing or reviving troops after a fight;
this bug could have been found faster if all payers had been provided with diamonds for testing purposes