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Cannot reproduce Summer solstice quest - produce a power of provision spell completed with other spell


Game version: __ v1.11.4-(dd7548e) (2016-07-27 12:35))
Game world: __beta
Browser + version: __chromes latest version
Flash Player version: __latest
Operating System: __mac ios
Screen resolution: __
Account name: __madzix
Humans or Elves: __human

Reproducibility: _1_/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but no1t always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: __ (if applicable)

Current situation:
During the event for the summer solstice, I got a quest to produce a "power of provision". My academy was busy producing an "inspiring meditation" spell, which was due to finish in a couple of hours. I placed in the queue a spell "power of provision" to start, but when the inspiring meditation spell finished and i collected the quest got completed. I didn't visit anyone, so I didn't get the right spell from a chest, the quest completed as soon as I collected the inspiring meditation spell from the academy


Expected situation:
Quest should have not been completed until i got a "power of provision" spell


Reproduction Steps

get the quest from the summer solstice that asks for a "power of provision" ( not sure the tittle of the quest, but it was the one that comes after the gain 9 relics one)
2. collect another spell from the academy ( in my case it was inspiring meditation)
3. __quest completed
4. __
5. __


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your report @madzix . Could you recall if at the same time, you picked up 9-hours productions at your workshops as well?


No, I didn't. I made the report as soon as it happened, and i only do 9h during the night, so at most i would have picked up 3h production from workshops. The quest got completed as soon as I picked up the spell from the MA, but i can't remember if i picked up 3h productions from the workshops around the same time.


I know this not an important bug, but it has been 19 days since I've reported this... any feedback?


Well-Known Member
We have not been able to reproduce this ourselves and unfortunately for some players this worked, for some it didn't. Furthermore, this problem was most probably related to this bug report and has therefore been fixed now as well. Therefore, we'll have to archive it now as "cannot reproduce". I'll leave the thread open for further replies, in case anyone is still able to reproduce this.