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Duplicate summer solstice next days quest not available

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Game version: __ v1.11.4-(dd7548e) (2016-07-27 12:35)
Game world: __ beta 1
Browser + version: __ firefox 47
Flash Player version: __
Operating System: __ win 10
Screen resolution: __ 1980x1020
Account name: __ juni
Humans or Elves: __ elves

Reproducibility: 5/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: __ solstice quest august 2nd (episodic event quest line)

Current situation:
__ the counter counted down to 0 on day 1, was stuck at 0s, I did a reload, and now it tells me, that the next quest will happen in about 23 hours... I did not get a quest offered.

Expected situation:
__ get a quest offered

Reproduction Steps
2. __
3. __
4. __
5. __


  • solstice quest.png
    solstice quest.png
    402.6 KB · Views: 191


Same problem for me. I went to bed with only less than 2 hours left on the counter, I logged in this morning and it is more than 16 hours left to the next, without having had a quest.

Edit: this was already reported and confirmed
Last edited by a moderator:


same here, logged in this morning,... 15H to go until next quest!
Was it again because I wasn't online at midnight. I think I logged off a few minutes before midnight!


I also have the same no new quest available 15 hours to wait


Same here .... Waited last night for the timer to get to zero (and get next quest), but it just reset to 24hours. Still 15 hours to go this morning :(


I don't know where to post this problem since the thread I found was a duplicate and there was no link to the original thread.

I did the additional Summer Solstice quests but all I get are relics instead of moonsplinters.

If I can not do an additional Summer Solstice quest, I am unable to discard it.


I don't know where to post this problem since the thread I found was a duplicate and there was no link to the original thread.

I did the additional Summer Solstice quests but all I get are relics instead of moonsplinters.

If I can not do an additional Summer Solstice quest, I am unable to discard it.

Hi, @Coronos
if you are getting relics as rewards instead of moon splinters, I think you are facing this issue :

it seems that people who could not complete the Contest quest line in due time are now presented with the quests they could not complete, which is of course a bug
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