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Duplicate Summer Solstice continuous Quest ended (Bug or planed?)

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Well-Known Member
Game version: v1.11.7-(1e0017b) (2016-08-03 14:56)

Game world: Beta1
Browser + version: Firefox 48.0
Shockwave Flash Player version: 22.0.209

Operating System: Windows10 64Bit
Screen resolution: 1920 x 1080
Account name: Brummbaer
Humans or Elves: Elves

Issue: Summer Solstice continuous Quest ended (Bug or planed?)

Reproducibility: 5/5

Quest title: none

Current situation: After finishing 50 times beverages the quest line disappeared

Expected situation: Next quest visible to get a chance for next moon splinter to get a higher Prize (Building)

Reproduction Steps: n/a


You have reached the planned end of the questline. Its unfortunately no bug.


Well-Known Member
Wow 15 days left and ended?
What about the grand prize (building 2 and 3)? Now only by daily quests?


Well-Known Member
I actual got the information from a player that she have continue the quest line and solved more quests.
Could that be true?
Maybe it is based on the problem with the daily quest
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I actual got the information from a player that she have continue the quest line and solved more quests.
Could that be true?
Maybe it is based on the problem with the daily quest
Is that a human or elves player ? There where some problems at the start of the event when you are playing as an elf, maybe not everything is resolved yet.


I actual got the information from a player that she have continue the quest line and solved more quests.
Could that be true?
Maybe it is based on the problem with the daily quest

Don't forget you get this Quests about the 50 beverages twice in the questline. Maybe she meant the first one.


my re-curing ended several days ago ......i don't think this is a bug but the end of the quest line, you just wont get the tier 2 or 3 prize unless you buy moon shards with diamonds....... another note is the benefit these event buildings, they rank 3rd for there type of building with 95 pop& culture per square...princess awen is 102 per and giant snail 120 per...do the math to get tier 3 you prolly need to buy the 1000 moon shards for 8.3k diamonds now the giant snail cost 3k diamonds and give you better results...the only appealing thing with the event item is rarity..but not sure rarity worth that much when you can get a building for less then half the cost and has better stats ....but your city your choice
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the topic @Elevenar refers to is about a quest being the last one, so yes, this is the same topic as this one here.
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