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Suggestion about Helping Neighbours


24 hours is good for me, I would prefer 12 hours..I want to help more players faster..


I just started playing yesterday. Player A motivated my builder yesterday at 3:55 PM. I turned around and motivated their builder a few minutes later. Today Player A gave me coins at 3:16 PM. I visited Player A's village but it says I can't help for 21 hrs. Can someone explain?


Player C motivated my builder today at 3:06 PM. I haven't done anything in return. I visit their village and it says I can't help for 19:xx hrs.
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You only can help/visit another players city once every 24 hours.


Why can't I help every 23 or 24 hrs though? And why can't I help someone I never visited before? I can't seem to help anyone.


Are you sure you have discovered the players you're trying to help? You can visit any player but you can only help those whose city you have "scouted" on the World Map. It's the only thing that comes to mind as why you couldn't be able to help them.


Personally I find the timer of 24 hours before you can help a neighbor again, too long. At some point I have to skip 'a day' because of the timer.

It is actually a 23 HOURS timer; unlike in Forge of Empires, where it is a 24 hours one. So you can aid all of your neighbors once a day, at the same time. You can even make that specific time 'go back in time'. Like, you always aid at 4 PM, but one day you are late and you aid at 6 PM; well, next day you aid at 5PM, and the day after that you can aid at 4 PM again.

I love the developers for setting this to 23 hours! =]