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Stingy Rune Shards - Golden Abyss


This Wonders is giving "how low can you go" Rune Shards to contributors.

Level 4, costs 230 KP to upgrade - yields only 1 Rune. Compare that to a Sanctuary - 3 Runes for 249 KP, and similar.

What's up? I notice we didn't have time to see or discover this before it went live!


Well, it's hugely unfair to early players to put this into their game! The only real hope they had for upgrading it was for higher players to come vie for the Runes.


Eh, early players will be alright. These are the first wonders they'll research, so for a while they'll only get runes for these wonders. Plus, when they place it, there will still be advanced players donating, especially because these runes are so hard to come by otherwise.


I disagree, but let's just put it another way:

It's inexcusable for Inno to make these so much harder than subsequent Wonders. If they're trying for player retention, this is the opposite. Slowing players down is their version of encouraging? And what - they think we won't notice?