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Not a Bug spell goods production


A spell "goods production"on a manufacture don't work when his production comes down off-line (during the night for ex.).
The Spells only work for the time at which they are active on a building. You can cast a Spell on a building ready for production and the amount you can collect will increase immediately. If you start production with a Spell running, and collect it after the Spell has worn off, this will not give you the bonus of the Spell (because the Spell is not active on the building at the moment of collection).

Could this be what happened in your situation? :)


Ok I understand ,
I don't remember if the spell was finished or if it was working at the moment of the end of production. I'll try a new one on a manufacture and take care of all . Thks for the reply :rolleyes:


So I start a new production (9 hours) on 1 manufacture of steel now at 11:33 pm and just after I put a spell production on the same manufacture duration 13 h. I start in the mean time a production (9 hrs) on the 5 other same manufactures same level without spell .
If I follow what you said , tomorrow morning I 'll collect more steel on the first one than the others ok ?
If the Spell is active on the building the moment you collect production, you will receive the bonus. For more information regarding Spells, please have a look at the wiki page. Also feel free to ask questions in the Questions and Help Forum. That will usually get your questions answered quite fast. :)


Ok I collect more steel on the manufacture with a spell ;-) but I do only cos I collect before the end of the effect of it.
Thus I confirm you have to collect during an active spell .
In my exemple if I collecte steel next morning after 12:33 am I would have lost the bonus ! Although production was finished and complete during the spell !