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Discussion Sorcerers' Homecoming


hello alls


complete event bat, +1


Active Member
Of course: Innogames is not a charity organisation, so if they can have a profit, they will.
And they should! No money, no game like this. And by the way you can play it completely for free. In the right FS you can even earn ca. 300 diamonds every week :)


Well-Known Member
Aren't we done with arguments for arguments sake yet?
Resume: It is obvious that chapter 1, 2 en 3 are not going to make it to the end of the eventquests. And that is not a problem at all, because they are in a steep learning curve anyway. Therefor the question about alternative quests for those players is unnecessary.

Back to topic (sorcerers homecoming). Here are some opinions:
* I do not feel the name amateur is offensive, but on second thought it might feel a bit odd
* The league is a nice addition to the events
* You can easily win the whole set if you complete all the quests, which is a good thing
* You can complete all the quests without to much luck or spending any diamonds or money
* I like the set because it looks good, to be honest I do not even know what it will get me
* Can't wait till it comes live...
you say 'unnecessary' i say it's a good idea. let's leave it there, shall we?

Enevhar Aldarion

Well-Known Member
Of course: Innogames is not a charity organisation, so if they can have a profit, they will.

On the hind side: the differences between the prices - bronze, silver and gold - is not that much impressive. Set parts that are easily collected on the way, a few KP and RR. And a profile pic that at least half of us doesn't want anyway :p.
If peeps feel the need to pay cash for that: be my guest.

The only way to finish with two complete sets, or maybe it is three sets, is to finish in Gold, and you know there are more than enough spenders who will want that. Enough of them will buy the Gold League that small spenders and non-spenders will not finish in Gold, especially on the Live servers, where more players spend money. And because of the limit of 1% finishing in Gold, I still think this scheme of Inno's is breaking the law in some countries, because there will be people who spend money to get the Gold rewards and still not finish high enough and lose their money, like they were gambling.

little bee

Well-Known Member
The only way to finish with two complete sets, or maybe it is three sets, is to finish in Gold, and you know there are more than enough spenders who will want that. Enough of them will buy the Gold League that small spenders and non-spenders will not finish in Gold, especially on the Live servers, where more players spend money. And because of the limit of 1% finishing in Gold, I still think this scheme of Inno's is breaking the law in some countries, because there will be people who spend money to get the Gold rewards and still not finish high enough and lose their money, like they were gambling.
If you wait for the final hour, you will know exactly how much it costs to be in gold league. No gambling involved at all.

Enevhar Aldarion

Well-Known Member
If you wait for the final hour, you will know exactly how much it costs to be in gold league. No gambling involved at all.

You obviously don't understand the meaning of gambling. Gold has a limit on the number of players who can finish there, so if more people spend money to get to Gold than can finish there, the ones who did not spend enough are throwing their money away, just like they were losing in Vegas.


I wanted to share my experience about the event, I am in chapter 2 and with some strategy the event is doable also for newbies.
Personally, I started chapter 3 this morning; the event is perfectly feasible, at this level, as long as you do it well

on the other hand the building of the event, helps well with the catalyst and relics that it provides, once it is complete

well done! did you have to use diamonds?

I used diamonds just to have extra scrolls, in order to make sure as best as possible to be in league gold, even if nothing is yet assured for the final result at the end of the event. otherwise, for who is the first set, I would have had it whole without too much difficulty

beta city chapitre 3 debut.png


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Well-Known Member
You obviously don't understand the meaning of gambling. Gold has a limit on the number of players who can finish there(NO IT DOES NOT), so if more people spend money to get to Gold than can finish there, the ones who did not spend enough are throwing their money away, just like they were losing in Vegas.
You are still failing at understanding the mechanics of the final hour.
There is no limit to how many players can finish in Gold league.
The lowest score in the top 1% is 500 points.
That means you need 501 to get into gold.*ties are actually OK
Then the minimum would become 502
This updates on every hour.
60 minutes before the end there is the final update.
that means that when there are 59 minutes in the event remaining if the lowest score in Gold is 603 then 10,000 players could all buy diamonds and get 604+ points and every single one of them would finish in the gold league. 100% of players could be in the 1%.

Not gambling since it's a guaranteed result. It's also why I advocated for everyone to wait on excessive spending until the last 59 minutes.
There is no limit to how many players can finish in Gold league.
Yes, you read it right. The minimum requirements for that League are being recalculated 60 minutes before the end of the event, but you can still acquire points and change Leagues until the end of the event itself. This can result in more than 1% of the players reachting the Gold League in the end.
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Well-Known Member
Let's all refuse to spend real money then :eek: Or maybe not... after all we want this game to continue :cool: for arguments sake :p


Well-Known Member
Let's all refuse to spend real money then
Certainly not, but what's better?
a) 3,000 whales outbidding each other for $100-150 each ($300-450K)
b) 15,000+ spending $50 each? ($750,000)

Note: too lazy to look, I figure there are about 60 servers though and ~50 whales are going to set the pace(price) on each.
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little bee

Well-Known Member
I honestly don't belive we should start a huge conspiracy to keep the numbers low. But waiting means certainty. And my impression has been that most elvenar players like certanty. So it could actually be quite natural to wait, before spending diamonds.
However, this would not hold true for players who just got lucky with extra currency. So it is quite possible that they may end up setting the bar.


Well-Known Member
I really wish @Marindor had not told us how the final hour was going to be handled by Inno. All that does is let the unethical players find ways to game the system.
I'm not sure what would be unethical about it. In either case it can only benefit those players if everybody left their currency spending to the last hour of the tournament... and whoever it may benefit for any reason, it doesn't hurt any of the other players.

It's best to just not consider the leagues at all. They're put there to encourage people to spend money and everyone in the top echelons will have spent money. They might as well just say that those gold level prizes are just sold as a pack, costing X amount. It would be the same thing, but without the doubt of how much you have to spend to get them.


Well-Known Member
I really wish @Marindor had not told us how the final hour was going to be handled by Inno. All that does is let the unethical players find ways to game the system.
Excuse me?
What exactly is unethical about not wanting to harm other players and take away their rewards?
Do you think it would be noble to instead push others down the ladder rather than rise together?

On top of that, YOU pointed out that it's just gambling without the last-hour guarantee. So would gambling and more importantly taking away other peoples paid for rewards with a gambling mechanic meet your ethical standards?

Get off your high horse.

Enevhar Aldarion

Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what would be unethical about it. In either case it can only benefit those players if everybody left their currency spending to the last hour of the tournament... and whoever it may benefit for any reason, it doesn't hurt any of the other players.

It's best to just not consider the leagues at all. They're put there to encourage people to spend money and everyone in the top echelons will have spent money. They might as well just say that those gold level prizes are just sold as a pack, costing X amount. It would be the same thing, but without the doubt of how much you have to spend to get them.

Yes, nothing but a money grab by Inno, no matter how they do it, as long as there is any limit on the number of players who can finish at the top. Some players will conspire together to bypass the system. Some will be stuck at work or school, or otherwise unavailable in the final few hours, and won't be able to protect their spot in Gold. The old event system of the three grand prizes, that were almost impossible to get all three without spending real money, at least did not set an artificial limit on the number of players who could get all three.

The Leagues would be better if they did not use artificial percentages for who finishes in which one. Change it to number of staffs, or whatever it will be in future events. To complete the set requires 260 staffs. That should easily be enough for Bronze. It probably takes that many again to complete a second building set, including the extras from Gold League. No one is going to get 520 staffs out of pure luck. But regardless, Inno set themselves up to be cheated by using percentages of players for the Leagues.


Well-Known Member
If they only replaced 1% with 5% it would be much more fair...
5% is still very elite group, 1/20 of all players and it gives a room for many players who actually CARE.