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Not a Bug Soldier unit prizes don't show in inventory


Game version:v1.125-beta.8-(15eefe5) - html5 (2021-03-04 19:29)
HTML5 Yes/No: Yes
Game world: Beta ZZ1
Browser/IOS/Android + version: Safari vr 13.1.2
Flash Player version:
Operating System or Mobile Device: Mac
Screen resolution:
Account name: Willow
Humans or Elves: Human

Reproducibility: 4/5

Quest title: Rise of the Phoenix Cult

Current situation: When I win the prize of soldier units using my sky essence from the chests (roulette chests), the prize doesn't show up in my inventory. (ie: my motar prizes in specific)

Expected situation: I have won 2 units of Motars (one yesterday and the other today. Both are NOT in my inventory.

Reproduction Steps
1. Open Roulette chests
2. Click on the 24 chest
3. Win a Motar soldier unit prize
4. check inventory for the motar prize
5. get frustrated because it isn't showing up in inventory.... again (even after I sent in a ticket for help)

Add more steps if needed. Include only ONE action for each step!

Screenshots of the bug:
(add as many screenshots as you need)


Well-Known Member
There are no unit instants in chests in current event, they were replaced by units themselves. You should see them in your barracks.


There are no unit instants in chests in current event, they were replaced by units themselves. You should see them in your barracks.

So you are saying that the motars that I won would just be added to my barracks now? They don't accrue in the inventory like in Live world?



Can you explain this? Why my motars don't show up in my inventory but the Light Melee instants do when I win them in the event?


  • Willow.png
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Well-Known Member
The troops you win in the chests are not instants - they are troops and go directly to your barracks. This is a change from how things worked in the past. Today's prize is an Instant, so it goes to your Inventory.

It would be hard to tell if you got the Mortars unless you knew what your troop count was before you won the extras from the chest. But if you got the feathers, you probably got the troops, too.


Well-Known Member
Can't you see the difference between lines on this screenshot?

1st line is troop instant, 3&4 - troops themselves.


Well-Known Member
hmmm. thats a pretty evil move,
Summon units using instants 3 times or Negotiate 3 encounters

So for this assignment you now need to collect daily prizes?
Thats beyond evil.