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Not a Bug sold residential building leaving a minus population


General Description (Overview):
i sold a level 1 residence housing 31,my population was 22.........this left me with a population of minus 9

What I expected to happen:
to get a message telling me i had too many people in employment to sell this building

What actually happened:

my building was sold leaving me with a minus 9 population
How often has this happened:

once........as only tried once..............refreshed the screen to see if it returned to my starting population of 22 with the level 1 house back in my city.......this did not happen
Screenshots/Additional information:

Reproduction Steps:




Player Name: loonyzoe

World: beta

Operating System: win 8 64 bit

Browser and Version:chrome
Version 40.0.2214.115 m

Flash Version:You have version 16,0,0,305 installed

Screen Resolution:


here is the screen shot of it.......sorry i couldnt get it to load up with the initial post


  • bug screenshot.JPG
    bug screenshot.JPG
    308.6 KB · Views: 179

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Hi loonyzoe, thanks for reporting this issue :)

Nosferatu is correct. This is intentional and not a bug, therefore I'm marking this thread as such :)

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
No worries loonyzoe - it's somewhat counter-intuitive to be able to have negative population :)


Those of us who have been battered about by FoE are of course horrified by negative population, but all it actually means is that one of our production buildings is idle, or some such, because they can't hire enough people. I'd like to know THAT information.

It seems that Elven Residences are more fecund than Human Residences,
because apparently we have a higher per level population than the humans.

If you check back a bit, a level 7 residence has a 2x2 footprint while a 3x2 level 9 residence supports 190 people.
I hadn't even realized that I could delete one of my 2x2, and drive the population negative for a while,
so that I could upgrade the two adjacent 2x2s to 3x2.
I wonder how much other FoE stuff I've been leaving on the table?

190 +190 beats 100 + 100 + 100 even on a bad day, by 80 population.