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User Interface Show score on main screen


Currently, under your player name your ranking is displayed. I think it would be nice if the score was displayed also. Perhaps just adding a slash would do it...so it would look something like: 790/8686...the first number would be your rank, the second your score. It is such a minor thing, but I think it would help new players see how their score increases or decreases by taking certain actions.

Also, the ranking can go down without you doing anything (because others are increasing their score ahead of you), but if your score is displayed also, you can at least have one number there that consistently goes up. Plus, it shows you regularly how busy the rest of Elvenar is and that you better get cracking! :)

As it is now, if you want to see your score, you click on your ranking and then see it in another screen. I am simply proposing to add it to the main screen also.
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I think that the window would look messy after such a change. I prefer it in the way it is now.


I think that the window would look messy after such a change. I prefer it in the way it is now.
+1, just click on the rank to see the table and points of the player in question.


I'm after an arrangement whereby Rank and the underlying City Score are highly correlated, but are NOT the same thing. You can search for Penrose or Glasses if you haven't already noticed the threads.

Regarding your suggestion, I'd prefer to display just the Rank on the normal pages, where space is precious, but clicking through would bring up BOTH the Rankings Roster AND a tightly integrated World Overview.

So yes, we do need additional information, but we need a LOT of additional information, so no. :rolleyes:


Hmm looks like I'm not interested in my score, after reading this thread I looked it up for the first time.
I don't bother if it's shown next to the rank or not, but I think there is a lot more stuff that should have a higher priority.