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Not a Bug Set buildings not paying out bonuses


Game version: v1.74-(97c0328) (2019-02-25 09:12)
HTML5 Yes/No: No
Game world: zz1
Browser/IOS/Android + version: Waterfox (64bit)
Flash Player version: (64 bit)
Operating System: Windows 10
Screen resolution: 1920x957
Account name: Rinaer
Humans or Elves: Elf

Reproducibility: 5/5
Quest title: NA

Current situation: Collecting from set buildings not giving joined set bonuses, only 24hr amounts.

Expected situation:: Set buildings to give 24hr total, plus set joined bonuses.

Reproduction Steps: Collect items from set buildings after 24 hrs.

Screenshots of the bug:

Tooltips: What should have been put in.

‌Inventory before:



King of Bugs
you are getting all set bonuses, open any building, hover over number over progress bar, there you will see tooltip saying which comes from set links
i dont see anything wrong on your screenshots
its just horibly described as it is now


QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
so it looks like everything is in order? or do you still think there is a bug here somewhere?


Dony made it clear it was not a bug, but perhaps some inconstancy in tooltips might be looked at by the devs?
If the total collected amount is what is seen on progress bar, which includes the joined set bonuses seen as +?+?+?.
But some Tooltips show +? +? +? and are actually plus what ever the progress bar shows.
Example: Jesters Tavern shows 14.1k Elixir on the progress bar and, +14.1k Magic Dust , +21.15K Gems, & +1 KP
So the same text format which has 2 different meanings.


Then perhaps it should say that, because on the face of it, it looks like it's all progress bar, & +.