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Fixed Selling the ancient wonders text


In the wiki, there is a screen shot of someone who is trying to sell the Great Bell Spire. At the bottom the text reads:

Do you really want to sell this Ancient Wonder? You will not get any refunds for building or upgrades. You will also loose all bonuses provided by this building.

It should read: .....You will not get any refunds for THE building or upgrades. (I am guessing you mean the building). You will also LOSE all bonuses provided by this building.

(The caps are only there for emphasis.)
We have corrected "loose" and we've added a full stop to the last sentence. The "building or upgrades" part is grammatically correct, but we're considering some options to make that more clear / less confusing. :)


May I ask a question related to this. What kind of english do you use for this game? The british english or the american?


Since everywhere it says neighbor (american) and not neighbour (british) it should be american.