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Duplicate Scout Time


Is that possible to display

(A) remaining scout time at top right corner of screen

Player always miss scouting becos
player do not know ..when does the scout completed..< for me, it take me 2 to 3 days for 1 scout >

and is that possible
(B) to add a scout time in those "relic province" when we place our mouse on the "scout coin of that province"
becos of 2 to 3 days scout
player may need to assign to scout which province
e.g. like me,
2 to 3 days to scout, if scout complete while I just to sleep
my originial scout time change from " 2 to 3 days " to "3 to 4 days" becos it end at time I cannot re-send scout


Thumbs up for both ideas - displaying scout time remaining when a scout is out, and showing scout time required along with coins required for each province when mousing over the province.