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Cannot reproduce Right Click Error


General Description (Overview):

What I expected to happen:

When I do a right click the splash screen should appear. When I click on any of the actions (i.e. Forum) I expect it to carry out that action (i.e. open the forum page)

What actually happened:

Incident 1

If the bottom left hand corner of the Right click splash screen falls on top of one of the main panel icons, click on any of the splash screen actions (i.e. Forum) this click will carry out the action of the icon that the bottom left corner of the splash screen is on.

Incident 2

I get click through, this is when the area where I click is above a building. This resulting click then opens the building splash screen.

How often has this happened:

Every time.

Screenshots/Additional information:

2 screenshots attached.

Tag 1 – area of click

Tag 2 – Bottom left corner of splash screen

Tag 3 – Item clicked on splash screen that activated main menu action

Reproduction Steps:

1. Right click in an area where the splash screen will open on the area mentioned above. (screenshot 1 shows an example)

2. Click on one of the actions in the splash screen.

Player Name: Jimmac

World: Beta Elvenar

Operating System: Windows XP

Browser and Version: Firefox 36.0.1

Flash Version

Screen Resolution: 1024 x 768 pixels 32 Bit


  • Right click 1.JPG
    Right click 1.JPG
    138.1 KB · Views: 139
  • Right click 2.JPG
    Right click 2.JPG
    120.6 KB · Views: 152
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Thank you for the report, jimmac. The screenshots do not seem to be loading from our end, can you please double check them? Thanks.


Hi Darkstar

I will load them as a full image to see if that helps, as when I look at them from the thread they launch ok.

Right click 1.JPG

Right click 2.JPG
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Apologies for the late reply. There was an issue with the images loading for some members, but that has been resolved. We have tried reproducing with the provided settings but so far we haven't been able to do so. Are you still experiencing the issue? A slightly different mouse issue related with Firefox came up in this thread:

It turned out it was due to specific browser add-ons (thread linked as the player listed the add-ons that caused the issue for him). If you have any for your own browser, can you please try disabling them and see if that makes a change? Thank you, and if anyone else has this issue please do let us know.


Hi Darkstar

yes I still have the problem. Before I come on line I disable a lot of background apps and add-ons so it is not that as I have tried it with Chrome and I also have the same problem.

On FoE I have a simmilar problem where I experience the click through but the Mods there say they cant reproduce it and closed the problem. I know that a lot of players on FoE have this problem but the Mods there seem to ignore the issue.


The issue may be caused by something external (antivirus, firewall, etc.). In which case it would not be possible for the moderators to replicate it. If they cannot confirm it and no other players are voicing their experience of the issue then it's hard to confirm the issue and what's causing it. FoE had that issue with an early stage of the hardware accelerator but it has since been resolved. If it's continued for you, then it may be caused by something else (though do not take my word on this as that's something that should be handled by the FoE staff), as it is likely the case here on Elvenar.

Can anyone else, if they're experiencing something even remotely similar to this, please chime in? Thank you.


We haven't been able to reproduce this and we haven't had any similar reports so we'll move this under archives. If it affects multiple players in the future please let us know. Thank you!