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Duplicate Remaining Troops dissappear after combat

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Game version:v1.3.3-(5c4a37e) (2016-04-04 14:45)
Game world: Beta Server
Browser + version:Google Chrome 49.0.2623.110 m
Flash Player version:21,0,0,197
Operating System: Windows 7
Screen resolution:1280x1024
Account name:Krellya
Humans or Elves: Elves

2/5 Happened twice

Quest title:
Normal Province Combat. no quest

Current situation:
Two times in a row after combat in a province sector remaining troops dissappear from Army Camp
First were Archers and Sword dancers
Second Sorceress were gone

Expected situation:
After a normal combat remaining troops stay in normal numbers as remaining after those who were lost in fight

Reproduction Steps:
1.Open World Map
2.Select/Open Desired province
3.Choose troops for fight
4.Fight as usual
5.Click Back to City
5.Open Barracks
I was supposed have around 600 each Sword Dancers and Archers and around 142 Sorceress

Screenshots of the bug:


Update training troops were not affected they stay as expected, all researched units.
As for the other post, reload game show troops again and new combat make troops in army camp dissappear this time only Archers and Sword Dancers affecte, Sorceress stayed, as well all training troops unnaffected.
Unused troop type in combat were not affected but this time despite I used 1 squad Sword Dancer, 1 Squad Archers and 3 squad Sorceress, only Sorceress unaffected. Archers and Sword dancers all used troops died, remaining only Sorceress.
Previous post I did even with survivors from combat they dissppeared from army camp


Same thing with me. In each fight, around 30% were "realy" dead, but all the troops deasapped after the fight


Something similar has happened to me. I had 40 squads of Golems, after maybe 5 fights with not that much harm I only have 1 squad left.
I know it is beta, but lately this game is hardly playable anymore. Every time again something that is really killing the enjoyment to play the game happens, and then it takes a dramatic long time before it gets solved. Maybe it would be better to stabalize the game before adding new features.


Thanks for your report Krellya :)
As grace mentioned this issue has already been reported.
For further information's please look here.
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