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Discussion Release Notes version 0.9


Congratulations on your first (published) release notes! :D

I noticed that now the trader's list is completely unsorted (bevor the patch the offers had been sorted by goods and acceptable/not acceptable trades). Of course you can still manually sort it. Don't know whether this is intended or not.


Looks good to me. I prefer devs fixing stuff first before implementing new features.


True, then again i like new features :D (chat...cough...chat...)


So do i, so hopefully they'll come up with that next time :)


Good work. Thanks
First bugfixes, than new features is just the job:)


Looks good to me. I prefer devs fixing stuff first before implementing new features.
I prefer both :) ...
BTW: >>> The tooltip for the Armory is now big enough for the text it contains ... in which game?

Best regards,


When i tryed to type an ingame message in BBcode like we do often on forum, i got an error message that it's only accepted betweens members of Guilds or Friends

And when check my discovered Neightboors i do not see such a status/relationship yet.
Well expected to play in group here ^_^ Thanks for the first realese I will expect other patiently.


I found another great feature:

If you visit a neighbor's city, click below his avatar on his 'ranking-points', the pop-up with the ranking-list opens correctly and the player's ranking-points' below his avatar change to the number of ranking-points YOU have ...

Best regards,


And another great feature:

There's a quest to upgrade 3 residences ... so to get it faster you build 1 new residence (within seconds), upgrade it (within seconds), delete it, build the next one etc. until the quest is done.

So far, so ok. The quest is done in less than 2 minutes.

If you look now at your total/available population, you'll notice that population has been added due building 3 new residences, but (maybe for not waiting until upgrade terminates before delete the new residence, because starting upgrade already was valid for the quest ...), the added population never has been removed and is available for what ever you want ...

Once reloaded the game/site, population is set (back) to correct number.

Best regards,


And another great feature:

There's a quest to upgrade 3 residences ... so to get it faster you build 1 new residence (within seconds), upgrade it (within seconds), delete it, build the next one etc. until the quest is done.

So far, so ok. The quest is done in less than 2 minutes.

If you look now at your total/available population, you'll notice that population has been added due building 3 new residences, but (maybe for not waiting until upgrade terminates before delete the new residence, because starting upgrade already was valid for the quest ...), the added population never has been removed and is available for what ever you want ...

Once reloaded the game/site, population is set (back) to correct number.

Best regards,

Yeah, these quests sound too good to be true for me - I am still missing the second quest line... Not fixed, because not considered bug, ha-ha!


Did we already get this update?

Yeah, we did. Updates here are smooth, and consist mainly in some 'have done lists', listing what was done (even if not).

So until you can do other things than dress/undress your Barbie-Doll, comb her hair pretty, paint your pink pony green, it seems you have to wait a few, 4, 5 years ... but don't worry: time will come and things will come.

Stay tuned in. :)

Best regards,


The game has only been in closed beta for 2 weeks, if you were expecting updates to include some major game changes at this point that's kinda your own fault if you get disappointed. Nothing major was advertised for release so soon.


Don't forget to point out, that also the 'closest' beta of a game is part of 'public relation' (and in this case also to make some extra-coins, as beta-players can spend real-money on buying diamonds for 'playing better').

Like always: there are millions of people who need urgently the beta key to do nothing once they have it ... but there remain always some active players, which in the normal case are known in their social environment as ' active players, who know how and what to play', are active players who play for a certain time (or if interesting even more time) because they write reviews on games etc. etc.

I don't know, if it is the best idea to show up to these people that there is no/nearly no advance in the 'close beta' - maybe the believe it, and this would not be the best condition for launching the game in public in some years or decades ...

Best regards,