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Not a Bug Reamaing time of the tournament province accessibility is not visible,


Hi team,

when open the tournament window on the world map, the time remaining information is missing. Without the timer I have no clue when to open the province for the next star level encounters or whether it is just not accessible for some other reason (which could be eventually also a bug/issue in case time is up to open provices and they are not accessible)

I did realize that it is on CZ server also...just thinking now if this was intension, I hope you can change it. It is visible only on the each one tournament tent on the world map, which is not comfortable to chek on and search each one on the big map (imagine players with a big area of provinces doing it)

Game version:
v1.110-beta.4-(6a316a2) (2020-07-17 14:54)
HTML5 Yes/No: yes
Game world: Beta1
Browser/IOS/Android + version:

Verze 84.0.4147.89 (Oficiální sestavení) (64bitový)
Flash Player version: None (at least in the browser there is no flash player extension)
Operating System or Mobile Device: Windows 10 Pro (x64) version 1903
Screen resolution:1920x1080
Account name: BaluWitch
Humans or Elves: Elves


Quest title: NA

Current situation:
Reamaining time of the tournament province accessibility is not visible, tournament province are not accessible

Expected situation:
Reamaining time of the tournament province accessibility is visible, tournament province are accessible (as per scheduled timer as normally)

Reproduction Steps
1. Log in with my account on the zz1 login page
2. Open the Beta1 world
3. Click on the world map
4.Click on the tournament tent icon
5. see the situation (screenshot)

Screenshots of the bug:

no time visible, provinces not accesible.PNG
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