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rally point mistake


OMG, I have made a mistake, I have upgraded one rally point to level 2, only to find out that I didn't check properly how it changes, ohhh, so it doesn't add to the production just time. how stupid is that?? I don't actually care about a few extra hours of quicker production, not with the stupid mushroom times productions, why should I care if its 10 hours or 8, 22 hours or 20? how stupid is that? this is an absolutely stupid design I have ever seen. When combined with the others they rely on ---- mushroom farms, it makes no sense at all. Everybody - please listen, no point at all updating your rally points you can leave them at level 1, wow, this is the stupidest things inno have ever created. I normally like to upgrade buildings to the max, but in this case it would be just a waste, same old rubbish , just a little bit quicker. wowwwww!!


King of Bugs
You are actually completly wrong, you wont finish orc chapter this year with lvl 1 rally point.
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Well, Dony...if one can't log in during work hours, the Rally upgrade is indeed a total waste.


King of Bugs
yes but atleast at weekend can people log more times i guess and its atleast good for that


look, yes I can complete without it,, it absolutely makes no difference to me f its 1 or 4 hours less. most of the time rally points are idle in my city, because, there are not enough shrooms for it. srhoom farms are with the same stupid cycle, so what's the point? that's true bobby, I cannot log on, just ause I know I save an extra hour, in any case it's stupid, it's not like a day I am saving. plus, these rally points are so ugly, some sort of pig head, makes me sick, I am looking forward when I research it all and delete them straight away.


I upgraded all three of mine to level 2 simply because level 2 looks better to me. I'm not sorry they're faster too.


King of Bugs
every time your rallys are iddle you should produce armaments because you need more then 50k of those, also lvl4 reduces time by 12 hours (from 20 to 8) on loot which is significant, because later on you will only produce loot and armament


I second that! I have deleted most of my shroom farms and I can't make the loot I need because my rally points are always making armament. This is a very different kind of race than what we have seen before. You need tons of space for it, and you need tons of farms in the beginning and then tons of rally points later. Make armament and more armament and more and more and more.


this is a horrid race. while I embrace the challenge, I take no pleasure in it at all, it is very depressing. may be they meant to make it depressing, I don't know...


I have 18 farms, that's true I can build more, but to be honest I am sick of mushrooms. Build and upgrade, build and upgrade. so I am going to stick with my 18, no matter how long it will take me to go through. they are now all on level 3, just saving for the poral for level 4.


I've gone back and forth on whether it's worthwhile to upgrade the rally points. The reality is, a 1 hour production time on armaments will help get that out of the way, and a 4h production time on debris will help with building the roads later. Not to mention, being able to do loot production in 8h vs 20 is a very good thing.

I suspect though that it's probably a wash: the time required for the upgrades from lvl 1 to lvl 4 will make up for the time gains from making the upgrades themselves. At least for the tech tree.

The roads will require lots more stuff though, so I will theoretically gain there. Getting rid of all or at least most of my orc stuff as quickly as possible is a bit of an obsession at the moment, and I'll need a bit of a cushion of orc goods in the portal to be able to do that as aggressively as I'd like to.