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Duplicate Quest "Striving for improvement" can't be completed when offline

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I've seen people speaking about that issue somewhere, but I didn't found it with the search function.
So I'm starting a new thread.

General Description (Overview):

What I expected to happen:
This quest ask to do 2 upgrades higher than level 5
No matter if I am online or offline when the upgrades finish, the quest should be completed.

What actually happened:
If you are online when the upgrades finish, then the quest is completed.
But if you are offline when the upgrades finish, then the quest stay at 0/2

How often has this happened:
I tried twice to complete it when I was offline, and it never worked.
But I was able to finish the quest few times by staying online.

Screenshots/Additional information:
I'm sure that every times I tried to do this quest, the upgrade was highter than level 5

Reproduction Steps:

1. get the quest "striving of improvement" (repeatable quest of 4th age)
2. launch 2 upgrade higher than level 5
3. log out from the game
4. come back after the upgrades are finished
5. see the quest still at 0/2

Player Name: Liathary
World: zz1
Operating System: windows 7
Browser and Version: firefox 36.0.1
Flash Version:
Screen Resolution: 1366 x 768


Thank you Liathary for reporting this to us. It seems to be affecting quests and building upgrades in general, but we'll investigate and try to find out more.


Based on the requirements this would be a match for this thread where we'll be focusing our efforts on figuring our which of those quests have an actual issue and which ones need to have their description improved. Thank you for the report again. Will link this thread there.
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