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Cannot reproduce Quest asking to use Power of Provision doesn't complete


I have this with Beta. The quest is "Use spell "Power of Provision" one time. Is there a way to go beyond the task and ever complete it? Do I need to raise a ticket for this?


Unfortunately we weren't able to reproduce it yet.
Maybe it is a misunderstanding?
Did you actually used a spell on a workshop, or just produced them? To complete the quest you have to use one on a workshop.

I'll move the thread to the archive, since we still aren't able to reproduce it, if anyone is experiencing this issue too and/or has further information how to reproduce it please let us know :)
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I am having the same problem, I used a spell and it would not let me complete it...tried different times factors to see if it required a full day or not and even waiting until spell ran out...the quest would not finish...finally hit the decline button