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Battle Public recognition of best battle results


As a long-time fan of turn-based strategy and turn-based combat games, I enjoy finding optimal ways to fight specific battles. This generally means losing as few units as possible. I do battle this way whenever I'm not looking to conquer a whole province quickly to gain an expansion or raise my goods boost %%.

Elvenar facilitates unit loss optimization by letting us withdraw from a battle without losing any additional units. So, first I attack with one archer to scout the enemy formation, come up with a battle strategy, retreat, and bring a customized formation.

Later, if the battle is going OK but I anticipate losses, I will often retreat and rethink my formation or first-round tactics. I really appreciate being able to flesh out my strategy this way.

Another game feature of Elvenar that makes this kind of strategic approach possible is that every battlefield is different. In a way, this makes up for the relatively small number of different units available in the game (so far).

It occurred to me that recognizing players' achievements in battle might be a good source of motivation and enjoyment for those who like the combat strategy element of the game.

This could be implemented via a best score / record system. A record would be set by winning a certain battle with the least squad size / least losses. A player's records could be recognized with badges, displayed on the player's city profile (we are getting one, aren't we?).

I believe Innogames' Grepolis has similar badges, except they usually track simply the total number of units killed / cities built / resources collected. That's a viable way of recognizing and motivating player achievements too. What I propose to treat as combat achievements is different, but the way badges are displayed in player profiles in Grepolis looks pretty nice.

What do you think of this idea?


Wow, does no one really care for setting strategy records? OK...


For now I think what most ppl care for is a running game with hopefully much less "blackouts".

But I guess most ppl didn't really understand your idea or perhaps didn't think its that necessary. That doesn't have to mean its bad though. :)

I wouldn't mind having those stats for example.


Yes, I agree with Katzenprinz: this is not fundamentally a fighting game, so I believe that many palyers are not interested in battles achievements etc. ;)