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Not a Bug Province Expansions not working


Game version: v1.61-(35851440e)-(master) (2018-08-02 15:12)
HTML5 Yes/No: No idea
Game world: Beta - ZZ
Browser/IOS/Android + version: Chrome Version 67.0.3396.99 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Flash Player version: No idea
Operating System: Win 10 Pro
Screen resolution: 2650x1440
Account name: Starbladder
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5 - tested twice (i.e. completed two provinces)

Current situation:
Completing a province does not give a dialog showing the number required for the next province expansion
The expansion dialog (from bottom of screen: buildings->expansion->province expansion) says 463 completed, required for next 0

Expected situation:
Completing a province should give a dialog showing the number required for the next province expansion
The expansion dialog counter should change
Expansions should be available to place

Reproduction Steps:
1. Complete a province
2. There is no dialog telling you how many provinces are required for the next province expansion
3. Main expansion dialog (from buildings menu) says 0 required for next expansion
4. No expansions are available

Given how expensive provinces are to complete (at least in terms of game time), this is really annoying.


It would have been nice if a dialog told me that and it does beg the question of how you are supposed to use the newly available expansions since there is only one available on the tech tree.


Thank you for your report. I will mark this as not a bug, and the feedback will be forwarded to the development team.