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Not a Bug Possible winter event reward bug

Bor de Wolf 1965

Well-Known Member
Game version: v1.164-beta.6-(3e2faa8) - html5 (2022-11-10 09:28)
Game world:
Browser/IOS/Android + version: firefox latest version
Operating System or Mobile Device: Windows
Screen resolution:
Account name: Bor de Wolf 1965
Humans or Elves: Elf

5/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: (if applicable)

Current situation:
Winter event quest 3-8 only reward 27 keys per quest

Expected situation:
After 1, 2 or 3 quests the reward amount of keys goes up by 1 key
So quest 8 should reward 28 or 29 keys and not 27

Reproduction Steps
1. do the winter event quest 1, 2 and you get 26 keys per quest
2. do quest 3 to 8 and look at the reward amount of keys you keep getting
3. During the normal events we would get 29 keys and not the 27 it is still giving

Bor de Wolf 1965

Well-Known Member
the normal routine would be 2 quests before an increase of the reward and sometimes just 1 quest.
With more quests a 3 quests before a reward increase can be expected but a 6 quests sequence or maybe more before an increase of the quest reward looks like a little bit to long.
So that is why I am not sure if this is intended or not and I report it as a "Possible" bug.
So lets see what a community manager has to say about it.


QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Thanks @Bor de Wolf 1965; as other players have already said, this event has a different number of quests than previous one :)
That being said, this cannot be considered as a bug because doesn't create any problems in performing the tasks, but for sure we can forward it as a feedback.

edit: Oh, and apologizes for answering without being a community manager :p :D