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Communication Permanent Link to Announcements/Release Notes/Bugs/etc.


Well-Known Member
Hi! I would like to propose the idea of having a permanent link that is accessible, for anyone to read, without a login account.

The Support Page https://support.innogames.com could have some links added to include "Announcements", "Release Notes", "New Chapters", "Known Bugs" (like other game sites do), and so on.
Since that Support Page is a permanent site for INNO, it would make sense to add all important information there, going forward.
When Community Managers make their in-game news, it can include directing players to the Support Page for more info! In turn, the Support Page can add a Discord link for folks who want more discussion.
This way, every customer could access gaming information without the need to log in somewhere, as honestly and truly, most folks are not interested in chat and debate. :)