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Not a Bug Perks doesn't work in fellowship tournament tab


Well-Known Member
Game version: v1.139-beta.6-(317bb8e) - html5 (2021-09-28 23:53)
Game world: Beta
Browser/IOS/Android + version: Chrome
Operating System or Mobile Device: Win10
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Account name: Droopy
Humans or Elves: Human

Reproducibility: 5/5

Quest title: -

Current situation:
Go to fellowship overview, switch to tab Tournament and press [+] button.
Dialog shows "Default Window Title"

Expected situation:
Using the "saved points" dialog

Reproduction Steps:
Go to fellowship overview
2.Switch to tab Tournament
3.Press [+] button

Screenshots of the bug:



Well-Known Member
I expected the same dialog you get when in the tournament overview in the world map.
every chest you unlock gives you 4000 FS Xp to unlock perks , you must unlock perks to save up bonus points to use in tournement or spire (depending on the perks you level up)


Well-Known Member
every chest you unlock gives you 4000 FS Xp to unlock perks , you must unlock perks to save up bonus points to use in tournement or spire (depending on the perks you level up)
That all doesn't matter. It is about the dialog showing "Default Window Title". If i've enough points or not, unlocked something or not. I don't expect an empty dialog with just [Cancel] and [Yes] buttons.


Well-Known Member
I confirm (not that I have the power to, but still)

the dialogue from the exploration map is correct, unavailable because we lack Xp, but correct
the dialogue from the FS/tournament windows you access from the city isn't correct (see image in the first post)