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Aye... Portal once build could be "upgraded" by next race. Storing old materials and new. Each new race above 2nd could increase portal by 1, so Dwarf and Faeries portal having fixed 2x2 with graphic elements of both mixing. Portal resizing itself later as a result of being storage to materials for too many races with 3rd and laters.


@Katzenprinz when I first time seen September InnoTv about guest races and was mentioned that when we finish race it will be spreading on world, I thought they utilize that to populate empty spaces around player "releasing" them... I was too optimistic. Such move would be great for all players on borders. Especially those low level, because high-end players could give neighbors for them.. Look how much your idea was close to what I was hoping for from releasing info about them.
That was exactly what I thought as well. I guess this particular feature happens to be beyond their coding capability : - )
The way it is now, having these new races at all serves no purpose, except maybe to take up some time for tech and to keep players from being bored for too long. Other than that, once you finish with a race, it is gone. I think this was a great opportunity for INNO to make this game more exciting and a bit more complex, yet they managed to mess it up.


That was exactly what I thought as well.

+1. I remember the announcement being worded in a way that sounded like the other species would start functioning independently once they'd moved out of our cities. I wonder what went wrong. Disappointing ...