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Opinion, advantages, disadvantages, ideas


Opinion, advantages, disadvantages, ideas
My knowledge of the language enough to play, but I write large texts through a translator. Excuse Me.
1) The game for its genre beautiful and interesting. I liked innovations, and I even put a little money on the expansion and construction workers. Good combat system, interesting ideas with a map and the market.
2) Errors:
- 1 archer shoots as well as a group of archers - need to fix.
- When entering the global map, if pressed quickly, the map zavisaet- need to fix.
- Not always credited for opening quests provinces, but I do not remember the name of the quest.
3) Disadvantages
- I started playing a week after all, put a little money, play a very active, have a rating of 30. I wonder strive to be a leader, but the people who have not invested money does not have many specific goals in the game. The main drawback, the game is not diverse.
- I started to collect resources 2 levels, but market demand for them there and I can not barter for the necessary resources, even trading at a loss.
- Only one overall ranking does not give enough motivation to play.
- Lack of opportunities to fight with other people.
- I opened about 40 players around me, but among them there are many players who threw the game. They just take up space.
4) Offer. Just a few simple suggestions can solve almost all the shortcomings of the game, turning it into a super game.
- Enter apart from the general rating, additional rating neighbors. First in the ranking will be a few people, then 10 people, then 40 as I have now, then 100. This will allow people to strive for the goal to be the best among its neighbors. Goal is to be better neighbors very motivating players. This proposal does not require major alterations.
- Introduction of the possibility of 1 time per day to attack each neighbor. In defense of his neighbor will go soldiers that he had invented. For example, a player only open archers, the size of the order 24, then the attack on him, his troops will protect 6 to 24 archer. The size of the army of defenders should not vary according to the actual availability of the archers. This will give variety, challenge, opportunity to get some resources that are not available on the market. This will give an opportunity to develop a bias in war.
- Should the cities where the governor did not go 10 days to send to the storage and change to other active city. If a person comes back, he will be able to continue to play, but with other neighbors. It will revive the economy, it will be a living world. Very much benefit from this proposal.
- Also, the project is not enough information on the development. There is not enough information about the development plans and their timing.
Thank U.


I pretty much agree with all that you say and have the same sort of experiences .. spent a little cash, don't see the point in spending more and so I'm slowly dropping in position which demotivates me even more.

But I don't agree with any sort of non-consentual pvp .. there is no way that I'd play this sort of game with it.


I agree with Inque, I'd prefer if the game just keeps the encounters as PvE and adds in GvG (guild versus guild) of some sorts, but keeps actual PvP away from neighborhoods. I wouldn't mind it if there is PvP, but I believe it should A) be consensual B) include players in general and not just neighbors. Helping neighbors and receiving that help in return is currently a major feature of the game, I would hate to see it replaced with PvP.